I was so happy to see that neutral metallics are trending. Don’t you just love the whole look? I really wanted to incorporate some of that into our little holiday home.


7 ways to incorporate neutral metallics into your bathroom decor #DIYHomeDecor #SmallSpaceDecor #Metallics

When we originally bought our round house she was only 31 m² small big.  That’s about 330 ft². Just enough space for a bathroom, bedroom, and an open plan, kitchenette area that doubled up as a second bedroom and lounge.


7 ways to incorporate neutral metallics into your bathroom decor

We saved like mad until we could afford to build a second floor and a patio. One of the things that always bugged me about our little holiday home was that it only had one bathroom. When I’m on holiday I love getting up really early and soaking in the bath for a few hours. Me time 😉 But that made it difficult when someone wanted to go to the loo. They either had to do their business outside, or I needed to get out of the bath. So the first thing we added when we went up was a tiny bathroom.


7 ways to incorporate neutral metallics into your tiny bathroom decor #DIYHomeDecor #SmallSpaceDecor #Metallics

It’s only 850 cm wide and 1.9 meters long (1.62 m² or 17.38 ft²). Just big enough for a toilet, shower, and a small basin. The bathroom is so small you have to get into the shower to open the door 😀 I originally wanted a sliding door but because the walls are curved it wasn’t an option. Have you ever tried decorating or fitting things into a tiny room with two curved walls? But I think we managed to pull it off after reading this guide on making a mood board for your room makeover.


7 ways to incorporate neutral metallics into your bathroom decor #DIYHomeDecor #SmallSpaceDecor #Metallics

What do you think? And it all started with a little help from an angel 😉


7 ways to incorporate neutral metallics into your tiny bathroom decor #DIYHomeDecor #SmallSpaceDecor #Metallics An angelic painting based on a photo taken by Andrei Vishnyakov

As luck would have it, I stumbled across this painting I’d done two years ago of a semi-nude angel. Yeah, I literally stumbled over the portrait while trying to tidy up our craft room 😉

It's not your imagination, sometimes a ‘coincidence’ comes with a lot of angelic effort. Click to Tweet

It was the first full-body portrait I’d ever completed and like all “wannabe” artists I really wanted to hang him up somewhere, but I could never find the right spot. He seemed to fit the neutral metallics trend quite nicely, so he became the focal point in our tiny bathroom.


7 ways to incorporate neutral metallics into your small bathroom decor #DIYHomeDecor #SmallSpaceDecor #Metallics

Everyone needs a sexy angel and a rake towel rack when they go to the loo, right 😉


7 ways to incorporate neutral metallics into your bathroom decor #DIYHomeDecor #SmallSpaceDecor #Metallics

Ideas For Incorporating Neutral Metallics in a Tiny Bathroom

The copper leaf on the angel’s wings and silvery, grey body tones meant that I could play around with all kinds of metallics. Like using that old rake hanging on the right-hand side to hang the towels. There’s also a narrow, rusty little shelf on the wall that holds extra loo paper and a copper candle to light the way.


7 ways to incorporate neutral metallics into your tiny bathroom decor #DIYHomeDecor #SmallSpaceDecor #Metallics

And this lantern that we found on a rubbish dump, which the hubby converted into a bathroom light. He’s a very clever man, that hubby of mine.


7 ways to incorporate neutral metallics into your tiny bathroom decor #DIYHomeDecor #SmallSpaceDecor #Metallics

We added sheet metal on the back of the door to mimic the look of an outhouse. The sheet metal was just cut to size and screwed onto the door. Nothing says neutral metallics quite like sheet metal 😀


7 ways to incorporate neutral metallics into your tiny bathroom decor #DIYHomeDecor #SmallSpaceDecor #Metallics

We tiled the shower floor with glass pebbles and leftover bits of slate. We have lots of bits from making our slate serving boards. Did you notice the galvanized watering can in the previous photo? That’s the showerhead. The hubs made that for us too 😉 He’s not good with taking photos of every step though. Probably because he was hanging like a monkey from the ceiling trying to get the showerhead up. Sorry about that. He used a flexible stainless steel hose and silicone to attach a shower head to the watering can’s spout and then hung the whole contraption from the roof.


7 ways to incorporate neutral metallics into your tiny bathroom decor #DIYHomeDecor #SmallSpaceDecor #Metallics

Don’t you just love the contrast between the galvanized metal of the watering can and the natural thatch on the roof? The walls were painted Marshmallow. It changes depending on the light and balances out the metallics beautifully. It one of my favorite coastal paint colors. 


7 ways to incorporate neutral metallics into your bathroom decor #DIYHomeDecor #SmallSpaceDecor #Metallics

The little silver kitty on the floor that reminds us that we have purr babies angels waiting for us at home. I’d love to know what you think and whether you’ve used neutral metallics in your decor at home.


7 ways to incorporate neutral metallics into your tiny bathroom decor #DIYHomeDecor #SmallSpaceDecor #Metallics

Do you have any tips on how to decorate on round, curved walls? Please share. There are a few more round spaces at our holiday home that need some love.

Oh before I forget, if you don’t want to go to all that trouble and find some metallic accents for your bathroom, we’ve got you covered Disclosure: Clicking on the links below, means we may receive a commission from Amazon. But don’t worry it won’t come out of your pocket, and it helps us come up with more amazing ideas to share with you 😉

Until next time, hope you have a beautiful, craft-filled week.

Made with love by a Crafty Mix