For as long as I can remember, I have had a deep fascination with faeries. I hear their tinkling laughter in streams and often spend hours outside, hoping to catch a glimpse of them through the leaves or sitting on a fairy toadstool. These mystical creatures can be difficult to spot, but if you’re really quiet and truly believe with a kind heart, they will show themselves. They’re finicky beings who hate waste and need to know they’re loved and appreciated. A lot like us, I suppose ;-)

Fairies are invisible and inaudible, just like angels. But their magic sparkles in nature
We love making things for the fae folk. It’s our way of saying thank you for all the work they do it our garden. The ones that live in our house are striking at the moment UGH!! Either that or the chaos fairies have taken over completely :D Our garden faeries seem happy though. We’ve recycled a lunch box for them and made a little gypsy caravan and the desert fairies seem to enjoy their little tissue box abode.
But Spring is around the corner, which means the little people will be working overtime trying to get everything ready. So it’s probably a good idea to make them something again using this glass bottle and a plastic plate. I see a toadstool, do you? That dirty glass bottle is just the right shape for the base of the toadstool and the plate……… that’s the top ;-)
Wait a minute………………..
That’s not dirt. That’s fairy dust ;-)
Okay, before we get to all the good stuff, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram. And don’t forget to subscribe so you’ll never miss a post!
How to Turn an Empty Bottle Into a Fairy Toadstool
After gently wiping off all of the fairy dust, the glass bottle got a coat or two of spray paint.
See, it’s a toadstool stalk without the top ;-) We had a can of expanding foam that we normally use to make our gigantic faux metal keys and its expiry date was fast approaching. That stuff is just amazing, but it becomes a gooey, sticky mess when it’s past its sell-by date. So instead of letting it go to waste, we sprayed a big glob of it onto a plastic plate.

Once the foam had dried, we used a craft knife to carve it into a toadstool shape.

Adding The Quirky Factor
Now I don’t know about you, but I always feel that a fairy toadstool needs to be a little quirky and slightly unusual because of all the magic it’s exposed to. So a plain, slightly round toadstool didn’t quite cut it for me. It’s easy enough to fix though. Just bend a piece of wire, stick it inside and wrap some tin foil around it.
That’s more like it. What do you think? To cover everything up we glued some dried moss all over the top. We used the same technique to create our leprechaun shoe planter.
After glueing the top to the glass bottle stalk, it was time to start adding a little fairy curb appeal ;-)
Let’s make our own fairy tale today
We used this gorgeous 3 D Sizzix die from Tim Holtz to make some faux bricks for the fairy toadstool.

Aren’t those foam bricks just perfectly fairy-ish? If you don’t have a Big Shot a craft knife should work too. Glue the bricks around the bottom of the milk bottle toadstool stalk.

To make the door we cut up a bamboo placemat and added a brass bead for a door handle. Fairies aren’t very fond of iron for some reason, so brass, copper or silver is always a safer bet.
Can you see the little bricks peaking around the corner?
Aren’t they adorable? We used a copper pipe and a rusty bottle top to make a chimney and ice cream sticks were cut and glued together to build a small bay window.
That’s what makes crafting for the fairies so much fun. You can re-purpose all kinds of things, from a lampshade to a lunchbox and even a cutting board ;-)
I really hope our fairy friends like their toadstool. The top is wide enough to shelter them from our highveld storms and we were able to re-purpose a few things too. Always a bonus. Let me know what you think or if you’ve repurposed something to make a fairy garden.
If you like the idea of turning a glass bottle into a fairy toadstool don’t forget to share it for later ;-)
Oh, before I forget, if you don’t want to go to the trouble of finding some of the materials we used, we’ve got you covered. Disclosure: Clicking on the links below, means we may receive a commission from Amazon. But don’t worry it won’t come out of your pocket, and I’m sure the fairies will be grateful too;-)
Sending love and fairy wishes as always xoxoxoxoxoxo. Thank you for popping in for a visit.
Your fairy house is beautiful. When I had to have a tree cut down in my yard, I asked my handy man to leave the stump looking like a peaked roof so I can make a fairy house. He was not familiar with the concept and looked at me like I was really strange! Oh, well! Tinkerbelle lives on!
? Thank you Kathy, I can just picture the look on your handy man’s face when you asked him to leave a peak bit on the tree stump ? You go girl, us Tinkerbelles have got to stick together
just love it, how did you make the bricks?
Hey Dodie, I used this Sizzix thinlits die ( to cut the bricks out of craft foam
Oh my gracious Michelle! This is just so sweet!!! Amazing creativity to dream this up and talent to create it! Lovely job my friend!!
Ahh, thank you Keri :D
it is fantastic idea! thank you for sharing tutorial – maybe one day I will make a small version for my balcony as an invitation for local fairies :)
I hope you do get to make a small version for your balcony. We all need some fairies in our lives
Such a great idea to use a glass bottle for the bottom of the toadstool! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks so much Emily :D
What a great creation!!
Thank you Jodie
How do you come up with these things?! The bamboo mat is pure genius and fits perfectly. Any fairy would be happy to live here!
:D THanks Angie, the little fairy homes are always the most fun to play around with. Almost anything can be turned into something that the fairies would enjoy
That turned out so cute!
Thanks so much Kay
Oh, my word! How CUTE is that fairy house!! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
Thanks so much Marci :D
Will be a great addition for my garden. What amazing and fun projects!
:D Thank you Oliver
Oh my – how I love faeries too! This is super cute, Michelle. I am so in love with it. I would love to try and create one like it someday soon. I love that foam! Never saw that product before. I always learn so much from your posts. Thanks so much for sharing!
Expanding foam is one of my new favorite things to have in my crafty arsenal ;-) Thanks so much Carolann
The expanding foam is intended as weather insulation for filling cracks and crevices so can be found in the home repair department. I think that this is a much better use!?
? I agree Barb ?
Michelle, that expanding foam is the bomb! I’ve never seen that before, but I can see all sorts of interesting applications for it. Love that you used it to create that imaginative, creative toadstool. I’m sure the fairies love it :)
Isn’t it just the best stuff? You’ve got to try it Jelica. You’ll probably find it in most hardware or home improvement stores and I’m sure you’ll do something amazing with it :D
Really I have no words with your imagination my sweet friend!!! You took so many different items, you wisely combined them and a dreamy fairy toadstool was born!!! Many many congratulations!
Thank you so much Christina, that’s so lovely of you to say :D
Michelle, that is so incredibly sweet and clever. You have such an artistic eye. The fairy home is adorable…love the bricks & little door. We have some of that foam too. Hubby uses it to fill openings around doors and such. Never thought of using it like you did. And what are these gigantic keys you’re talking about?
Glad you like it Florence :D The first time I played with the foam we made some giant rusty faux metal keys, which turned out great. You need to sneak one of those bottles away from the hubby and try it
This looks amazing! I really like the uniqueness and creativity in this. It’s so cute I want to try it.
Hope you get to try it soon ;-)
I cannot tell you how much I enjoy watching you work magic Michelle! And I am always smitten with your projects – this is just adorable!
Wow Maya, what a lovely thing to say. I must admit I feel the same way about the things you share. They’re always so different and unique
This is just absolutely adorable. And you make it sound so easy!
Thanks Aditi, I must admit this is on of the easier ones we made :D
Confession: At the start, I was wondering what’s this piece of white S**t!? But lo and behold, you’ve really made the toadstool bottle so cool that I’m gonna try it for myself too~
LOL Tiffany :D I have to agree with you though, it does looks a bit strange in the photo. Thanks so much for the laugh
This is such an adorable project! I was not imagining how it turned out in the beginning. I love it though!
Oh I’m glad to hear that Victoria, thank you very much
O M G, This is amazing, how do you get these wonderful ideas. I really like the mossy roof. The brick work is so cute.
Thank you so much my friend, I really appreciate that
What I would do to spend a day with you guys to watch you work your magic and hope, like a faerie, that some of that talent brushed off on me. This is absolutely adorable!!!
Wouldn’t that be just wonderful Marie, but I think you have quite a few fairies watching over your shoulders when you create all your master pieces ;-)
I am always fascinated by all your creations, but those made thinking about your fairies are my favorites. No wonder they take care of your garden, they know they are loved and give back. I need to show this to my daughters, but maybe I need to keep in on my Pinterest for a while or they’ll ask me to make one too. The small bay window stole my heart too
Thanks so much Pili, they’re just so much fun to make and I’m very glad the fairies help us in the garden ;-)
This is so precious and very creative, Michelle! I love it! You have a very innovative imagination!
Thanks so much Gail :D
I love how you are so creative. The toadstool is adorable and I bet the fairies that live there are thrilled.
Awww Debra, thank you my friend. I sure hope they’re happy with their new toadstool :D
Wow Michelle that fairy toadstool is super super cute. You just amazing me with your creativity. I can see why your fairies take care of the yard, they have the best fairy houses, and toadstools around. Why wouldn’t they be happy and want to spread fairy dust everywhere. ?
Our garden fairies are the best. I just wish the ones in our house would wave their magic wands though. It looks like a crafty bomb went off inside ;-)
That is so adorable. How creative as well!! I love it.
Thanks so much Elizabeth, I’m glad you like it
Spray paint does wonder for everything. I love the idea of this. I always see these glass bottles at the dollar store and did not pick them up.
Spray paint is the best thing ever :D
This toadstool is so darn cute! I’m not a very crafty person so all I can do is admire people like you.
Thank you so much Samantha, but I honestly believe we’re all crafty at something. For you it could be writing or making meals, not my strong point BTW ;-)
This is so friggin cool! I saw a doc about a mystery person doing something like this all over a town. It was amazing
I saw that too Emely, it was such an amazing gesture. I would love to sneak some of our fairy creations around town like she did
What great idea, Michelle! What a great creation! It is absolutely fabulous! Kisses, my friend.
Thank you so much Mia xoxoxoxo
Such a cute toadstool! Great for a garden!
Thank you Nik :D
So pretty! My girls would love to make this. They love everything fairies.
Thanks so much Katie, my biggest inspiration for the fairy crafts always comes from little kids. They have the best imaginations
Oh I´m sure the fairies will love their oh so cute toadstool Michelle!! Ours would and now you´ve inspired me to make something new for our fairy garden…
I’m so glad to hear that Katrin, the girls will love a new addition to their fairy garden;-)
Every time I see one of your fairy creations I say this is your best one and then you make another one and it is the best one. I will never be satisfied. Those cute bricks are so realistic they make me want to have some in my home. Your imagination knows no bounds Michelle.
LOL Mary, my imagination seems to have run out of ideas at the moment. It must be the time of the year ;-) Thanks so much for your lovely words my friend, I always appreciate them
This is super creative!! I am blown away by your talent Michelle. So beautiful.
Awwww Shevoneese, thank you so much
This is so cute and so creative! The toadstool is definitely a great add-on to decorate a dreamy fairy garden.
Thank you Joanna, I really appreciate that :D
Wow this is so creative. I love the outcome. I SO want to try this myself. I can’t believe you used a glass bottle to make this
Thanks so much Sue, fortunately the glass bottle was just the right shape for a fairy toadstool ;-)
That is so cute. How creative as well! I would never be able to achieve such results.
I’m sure you will Tanvi, just let the fairies guide you ;-)
Mirroring what Nicola said! This is just too adorable! I’ll have to keep this in mind when we move into our new house with a yard! <3 it! Great job!
Awww Amber thank you so much. Good luck with the move and wishing you many happy moments in hour new home
LOVE dit!!!!!
Hello maaitjie. Baie dankie, bring daai twins dan maak ons vir hulle een of twee ;-)
Oh my gosh, this is cute beyond belief! When I first saw your equipment, I didn’t think it was going to turn out anywhere near as beautiful as it did! I’m definitely going to try and make one myself. Wish me luck!
Yay, thank you!!!! You don’t need luck Nicola, just a little fairy dust ;-)