If you’re a crafter or like to DIY then you’ve probably got a stash of old paint brushes lying around somewhere. Maybe they keep on losing their bristles or they’ve gone hard after you’ve left them in some mysterious concoction for too long. It happens often here ;-) I get so involved in creating something and completely forget to clean the paint brushes when I’m done. In fact, it’s not unusual to find a paint brush in the fridge and I have on the odd occasion been known to wander aimlessly around the mall with a wet paint brush, or two stuck behind my ear. I plead the 5th. Anyways, I needed to find a way to repurpose some of them. Meet my stash of unsavable paint brushes and the adorable new addition to our family. EeeeeDeeeee Riley Pipsquick The Third. My daughter named her :D Isn’t she just too cute?
She’s a Jack Russell crossed with a UFB, or Unidentified Fur Baby for those of you that don’t know ;-) Apparently she comes from a long line of UFB’s, hence the very important suffix “The Third”. Speaking of three’s, I grabbed three of those well-loved paint brushes and decided if I repurposed them they’d make these pretty awesome hooks.
Wanna see how I made them? Oh good. But before we get to the tutorial, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram. And don’t forget to subscribe below so you’ll never miss a post!
How to Repurpose a Paint Brush Into a Hook
This is a really easy repurpose idea and you can customize the paint brush hooks to suit your own decor. You’ll need:
- Old paint brushes
- Thick, sturdy wire and pliers
- Paint in any color you like. We used flat black spray paint and some copper leaf.
- Mod Podge or Glue or Varnish or any of that other stuff that normally makes a paint brush hard. Resin works too.
Wipe the paint brushes with some vinegar and water to remove any traces of oil and then dip the bristles in the hardener. We used Hard Coat Mod Podge but wood glue and exterior varnish will work too. Basically, anything that makes the bristles hard. If you already have a few of those lying around you can skip this step ;-)
Leave the brushes to dry fully before painting them. I really loved the rusty bits on two of the brushes so I masked them off before spraying the brushes with flat black spray paint.
Nothing is sacred from my paintbrush
Once the paint is dry, use a sharp skewer or pliers to lift the metal bracing that holds the paintbrush bristles in place just a little bit. That’s where the hooks will go.
Time to Get Creative
I wanted the paintbrush hooks to look like they’ve been dipped in molten copper, so I masked off the handle and a portion of the bristles, before applying some spray adhesive and copper leaf. I love the stuff and a little bit goes a long way.
All that’s left to do is to make the hooks using a piece of wire. Just measure how long the hooks need to be and double it. Cut the wire, fold it in half using your pliers and then bend it to form a hook. Spray them to match the paint brushes.
Use strong all-purpose glue like E 6000 to glue the hooks into the back of the paint brushes.
Attach them to a piece of wood or onto the bottom of a small shelf and you’re done.
To make the little shelf, the hubby just used some of the offcuts we had leftover from making our HOME shelf, which he cut into two equal lengths before gluing and screwing them together. After sanding it down he used the same flat black spray paint to give the shelf two quick coats before lightly distressing the edges.
BTW that beautiful young lady is my Mom when she was about 7 years old. I’ve always loved that picture of her, so sweet and innocent. She’s still sweet but the innocent part has long since left the building.
If you like the idea of repurposing paint brushes into hooks, don’t forget to pin it for later
Sharing is caring ;-)

I’d love to know what you think of the paintbrush hooks and if you have any other ideas on how they can be repurposed. I’ll probably have a few more quite soon ;-) And if you’re looking for more crazy hook ideas then you’re going to love these:
If you’re keen to make something similar I’ve added some affiliate links below, so you don’t need to try and figure out where we got everything. Disclosure: If you click on the links below, we may receive a commission from Amazon. But don’t worry, it won’t come out of your pocket, and it helps us buy new brushes when I forget to clean them ;-)
And if you prefer to buy rather than DIY, then maybe these beauties will appeal.
And as always, wishing you a wonderful, crafty week filled with lots of love. Thank you for popping in for a visit.
What a clever way to reuse your old paintbrushes! Super cute!
Love your little fur baby, she is sooooo cute!
Isn’t she just adorable? She’s become such a big part of the family and rules the roost :D
I love it and I love your fur baby! I have a Jack Russel mix. I think he is Jack Russel and Chihuahua. He is such a sweetheart!! Barks at everything that moves, but I love him so much!!
That sounds just like EeeeeDeeeee. A leaf drops and she barks ? but we wouldn’t swop her for the world. She’s got the sweetest little personality and get’s on so well with all our other fur babies too.
Very cute and unique. Love it.
Thank you Margaret, I’m glad you like it ❣
So creative. just love it! #Lekkerlinky
Thanks so much Jeannette
I’m so happy to hear that Cheryl and would really love to see some photos of yours when you’re done
Michelle, who knew paint brushes could be so artistic? I love the copper you added to the tips, and the idea of turning them into hooks is such a novel thought. I’ve saved my hard brushes too b/c I’ve seen people do such clever repurposes with them. Love what you did with them. Love that picture of your mom, & enjoyed the story of her in the restaurant with the red bow! The little Pipsquick is adorable too.
LOL Florence, my mom is quite a character. I love her to bits and she’s one of the most amazing people I know. So glad you like the paint brush hooks. I’d love to know what you have planned for your hard paint brushes
Oh, my word, this project is so freaking original! Who would have thought to use paintbrushes this way? You’re so creative!
Thank you Nati ?
I love your talent of making useful things using so called useless trashes from home. It takes alot to have a really amazing creative mind repurposing things in such a useful way. I never thought that those paint brushes can be used in such way too.
That’s so so sweet Jagriti, thank you so much. We do enjoy repurposing things as much possible
This is darling and crazy creative! Finally I can do something with all of the paint brushes I ruin and forget…and I do this often! So, so creative! Pinned for later!
Thanks so much Wendi ? I get so cross with myself when I forget to clean the paint brushes so I’m super glad I found a way to repurpose them
I love how your mind works! That is stunning! Well done! I would never have thought of doing that.
Thank you so much Carly and I’m so glad you ladies decided to host a all South African #LekkerLinky party. I wish you all the success, us South African bloggers tend to be so shy and reserved and it’s been lovely discovering our local talent through the link party
This is such a simple yet elegant DIY project!! I think it looks incredible too!
Thank you so very much Anna, I really appreciate that ?
I love this idea, I think it’s rustic and elegant. It’s funny how most people can’t see the glamour or the beauty in something as simple as an old paintbrush. I think it’s magical! I love the way your brain works!
? Thanks so much Kim. Old paint brushes do have a special quality. There’s so many memories behind each one and they deserve to be transformed too
This is such a great idea! I love the black and gold. This would provide a nice accent to the foyer of any home.
? Thanks so much Kesha, it’s so much better than just throwing the paint brushes away right!!?
Your mind is amazing the way you come up with these so cool ideas! That is such a fun way to reuse old paint brushes. Super cute shelf!
The new addition to your family, Riley Pipsquick is adorable! I want a puppy so bad, but we just don’t have the time we would need to give it, and I don’t want to do that to one. But one day I will have another!
? Thank you my friend, I do hope your work schedules starts calming down soon so you guys can get a little fur baby. They just make the world a better place with their antics and cuddles
This is so up my alley! What is there not to love. It is beautiful, it has that lovely copper color, it is practical and it is oh so creative. It has your name written all over it Michelle. I showed my girls your new puppy and they want one too.
? Awwwww thanks my friend. I hope the girls can get a puppy one day when you’re all settle in.
It’s beyond my comprehension how someone can be so creative as you. Honestly, I would have never thought of repurposing paint brushes, so how lucky that there’s your blog to turn to! Love the look of the finished piece.
BUT, and you must have prepared for this, the little darling in the pic got the spotlight! What a tiny little ball of love! Congrats on getting her! How is she getting on with the other fur babies?
(I have now a serious case of puppy fever ❤)
LOL Flora, thank you. EeeeeeDeeeee can take the spotlight anytime time she wants and she gets on really well with all the other fur babies except for our oldest one Kayla. I think she’s a bit boisterous for her and Kayla’s old bones just can’t handle a little, bouncy ball of craziness anymore. Fortunately she’s just growls at her ❤ I took a video of her yesterday playing with one of our purr babies that I’ll add to the post once I figure out how to make it a bit smaller. So cute
Oh this is such a great idea, i had never thought to re-purpose old paint brushes but I love the look of the hooks, they are incredible
Thank you so much Elizabeth, I’m glad you liked them ?
This is such a simple yet elegant DIY project!! I think it looks incredible too! And OMG YOUR PUPPY!! ❤ ❤ ❤
? She’s so cute right!!!? Thank you Ayana
This is such awesome idea on old brushes. I think I need to give this a try with my old brushes in our house. and congratulations on the new part of your family. So adorable.
Oh that’s great Shub, let me know how yours turns out ?
Congratulations on being a mummy again!! How adorably cute is Riley! So so lovely! I’d love some puppy cuddles! I hope Riley pops up from time to time, she can be your crafting assistant! I hope she’s settling in well :) I love these paint brush hooks and actually seems like the perfect fit for you, its beautiful decor with a hint of what you love to do! I don’t think these will work with my tiny nail art brushes but I would totally put up the ones you’ve made!
Ooooo you’ve just given me an idea Ithi. I wonder if I can make a fairy version with some of those teeny, tiny little brushes of yours. And I sure EeeeeeDeeeee Riley will be helping out a lot. She likes to photobomb our pics and she’s terribly curious ?
The puppy is so sweet, what a little bundle of cuteness. Paintbrushes get hard here all the time and I swear and toss them. Congratulations on having the patience of keeping them, and finding a really pretty way or utilizing them. You’re amazing.
Awww Leanna, thank you ?
What a great idea for a country-style decoration. My sister would absolutely love this! I’m gonna scour my garage for old brushes and make this for her.
That’s awesome Alicia, let me know how it goes. I’m sure your sus will love them
How do you even come up with such interesting ideas? I would love to get inside your brain and steal some creativity … haha … I love the copper paint on the brushes. That aspect attracted me a lot.
LOL Tanvi, I feel the same when I see how you put outfits together and I love your completely honest outlook on life. It’s just so refreshing.
This is such an innovative idea converting old brushes in artistic hooks. While seeing your creativity new ideas are germinating in me and I shall try too.
That’s so awesome Indu, thank you. I really believe there’s a spark of creativity in all of us and if one of our projects makes that happen inside of you then I am beyond happy
DIY paintbrush hooks? What a great idea – I would never have thought of that. You’re so creative!
Thanks so much Emily ?
I love your idea on using old brushes but your pup is the star. So adorable.
She is ?
OMG! EeeeeDeeeee is the CUTEST! And what an awesome name! ? You never cease to surprise me with all of your creations. I would’ve never thought to repurpose paint brushes, but after seeing them like this, I’m like, “of course they can be used as hooks!” ? That’s a really great picture of your mom!
Isn’t she just the cutest thing ever and my daughter sure knows how to make a puppy feel super important with the names she chose ? Although the only time we use her full name is when she’s been naughty, which isn’t that often, YET ? So glad you like the paint brush hooks too Sam
Those eyes – how adorable is she! Sorry Michelle, I LOVE your brilliant paint brush wall hook idea but Miss Pipsquick stole the show on this one. Pinned and sharing
? She deserves to steal the show Marie, she’s such a sweetie pie. It probably took her all of about 2 seconds to creep into everyone’s hearts. Even the purr babies don’t mind when she cuddles up to them. And that says a lot because our Miz Cleo is a bit of a snob when it comes to her personal space ?
Well hello, there sweet Miss Pipsquick!! What a cutie pie!! This is such a fabulous idea!! Love how you have repurposed the old brushes and dipped them!! So clever and creative!! Pinning!!
Thanks so much Sam, I’m real happy with how they turn out ?
OMG how creative is this!!!! LUVVVVVVVV it!!!! Oh and the puppy is super adorbs !!!!!
Oh and by the way, went to Vancouver last weekend to visit my niece at BCU …thought about you! That city ROCKS!!! I hope you will make it down for a visit one day?
Awwww I’m so jealous. One day we’ll get there, my son is loving it, he’s working his butt off though but it will all be worth it when he’s finished
? Thank you Christine
Only you, seriously only you can think of things like turning paintbrushes that I would throw away, into gorgeous and beautiful hooks hanging from a cute little shelf! IN LOVE!!!
? Thank you my friend
Well this is the most clever repurpose I’ve seen in awhile! I can’t believe what you did with these brushes – great job! AND, that little baby . . . OH MY GOSH!! How adorable is she??
Thank you Lauren, I’ve been meaning to do something with our old paint brushes for a while now and I’m glad I finally figured something out
I think you’re amazingly creative, and the brushes are cool… but I just can’t seem to move on from Riley Pipsquick The Third! I mean, how GORGEOUS?? Also, love the name! Kids come up with the best names haha! ?
Thanks for joining us at #LekkerLinky ?
Aren’t those names just the best Charlene. When we showed my daughter the pics of EeeeeeDeeeee she immediately came up with a whole bunch of names and she was so politically correct too. Riley was one of the “transgender:” names she chose, LOL how could we not use that plus some of the others. I think she’s the smallest dog in the world with the longest name ever ?
Michelle, those paint brush hooks are super cool!! The copper tip is a nice touch. The shelf your husband made is wonderful and the picture of your mom is so beautiful.
Thanks so much Keri and isn’t my Mom just gorgeous. She’s still this tiny, petite woman with a wicked sense of humor that makes me cringe and laugh out load at the same time.
Awwwww, congratulations on your new furry family member! Miss Pipsquick The Third is such a cute girl! Have lots of fun with her!!! :)
How genius is that, Michelle? Yes, it happens here too that I forget to clean my brushes and they end up unusable for any further paint jobs. Your upcycle idea is brilliant and makes me smile! The black and copper combination is lovely and that’s such a sweet picture of your mom.
Have a great week! :)
Isn’t she just the most adorable bundle of furry love. At this stage she can’t quiet figure out if she’s a cat or dog and wants a cuddle from everyone ? I’m real glad I finally figured out how to recycle those paint brushes into something else. I would have loved to make something as stunning as your beautiful Loxy Colorsplash but there’s only one person who I know who can create works of art from scrap and that’s you my friend.