It’s the last Monday of the month which means it’s time for the Int’l Bloggers Challenge. This month’s challenge is a little bit different from the others. We’re exposing some of our epic fails. Gasp!!! Something you don’t see often in a world where information is readily available and all you need to do is go to Pinterest to see pictures of stunning DIY projects and decorating ideas?
I don’t know about you, but sometimes it feels like it’s all a little bit over the top. I’ve seen some beautifully decorated homes and thought, who on earth dusts all that stuff. And all those DIY projects where something that’s perfectly functional has been turned into something that collapses in a heap the minute you’ve finished staging the photo. If you’ve got a minute or two to spare let me tell you the sad crazy story about one of my many epic fails. The day I decided to make my hubby a man curtain.
My “epic DIY fail” – a man curtain
Yup, you read that right – a man curtain of all things. Even the name is a little ridiculous, but that didn’t phase me. I figured it would make it easier to get to the number one spot on google if someone ever decided to type in “man curtain” ;-) And it all started with this contraption here.
That thing is apparently called a “Guy Wire Turnbuckle” and I have no idea how it ended up in our stash of arbitrary things. Nevertheless, it was there, and it looked like a very manly thing. Now I’ve never been one to shy away from playing with manly things ;-) so I gathered up a whole bunch of chains and some wire and started thinking about what I could do them. Things that would go viral and put our name up there with the other blogging greats.
That’s when inspiration struck. Why not wire the chains to that blah, blah, blah turnbuckle thingy to make a manly version of a beaded curtain. Can you picture it? I could. It would be all shiny and strong and Chuck Norris-y and fellow DIY-ers would bring the internet down looking for directions to make one. People would be fighting in the aisles to get their hands on a turnbuckle and they’d make a movie……. Uummmm right, what was I thinking???? :D
It would be the perfect décor in a man cave or even a garage. I could already see myself walking onto the stage to get my award for turning the DIY world around. And the best thing about the man curtain was that it could be used for storage too. Just add a few hooks and viola.
And that’s when the “epic fail” happened
That darn curtain became so heavy it stayed on the wall for all of maybe 15 minutes 32.543 seconds after I added the second tool. Not the dusty fishing reel in the photo, but Real.Metal.Man.Tools. And then it came crashing down in a heap and took a whole bunch of those real tools with it. It left a dent in the wall on its way to blogging oblivion, and a crater the size of Mount Vesuvius on the garage floor.
We were lucky to survive the fall with all of our appendages intact. This is a family-friendly blog so unfortunately, I can’t share the words hubby used. Suffice to say that quite a few hardened criminals would have been proud of my man. That’s the thing about DIY and life in general. Not everything works, but we move on and we learn something valuable in the process, even if it’s just the realization that old people can still maneuver really quickly when disaster strikes.
I’m glad to say we could salvage some bits and pieces, although my pride was in tatters for a few weeks. Those chains went to making this dreamy garden swing and my newfound appreciation for gravity helped me figure out how to defy it and make this HOME shelf. One of our most popular posts ever.
That “Guy Wire Turnbuckle” thing went right back into our stash of arbitrary things BTW. Well, that is until I figure out how to make a lightweight man curtain, so I can forever bask in blogging glory.
Some final thoughts on DIY fails
Every day somewhere, someone is doing something silly that could lead to an epic fail. That’s what makes us human. I honestly believe that failure is something we all need to celebrate instead of hiding, so we can learn and grow together.

Instead of seeing a “DIY fail” as something bad, see it as something that brought you one step closer to succeeding. Another stepping stone on the path to success. And don’t be afraid to try again or share your failure with others. It’s always good for a laugh and we all need more of that in our lives. Sharing failure also often brings us closer together. Talking about sharing, pop on over to my beautiful friends from the IBC to see their epic fail.
Until next time, thank you for popping in for a visit. Hope you have a happy week filled with lots of learning and successful DIY projects. And if it doesn’t work, keep smiling and keep trying.
Such a great frame of mind Michelle! I wish I was kinder to myself in the face of failure which happens at least once a day. I’m definitely learning that the harder I am on myself, the harder it is to really complete ANYTHING. Thanks for this reminder!
You’re so right Angie. Sometimes we try so hard to be perfect all the time and when things don’t work out the way we planned, we give up. You shouldn’t be to hard on yourself, your projects are amazing
I have a few that have not worked. I have wondered about the chain thing that went around. Thanks for the heads up.
I hear you Kellie. I think we all have a few that didn’t work out, or more than a few in my case
This makes me feel so much better, the amount of things that I end up not putting on the blog because it has turned out different to planned lol! X
Uggg Yvonne don’t you hate it when that happens? I have sooooo many projects that I tried that just don’t seem to work out. Live and learn I suppose ;-)
It’s true–sometimes I think I learn more from the failures than the successes!
I agree, they always teach us something ;-)
I really like the theme of this month’s international linkup! It makes me feel a lot better about my own epic fails. Like the time I tried to make bread in my food processor and broke it. O.o Haha!
Oh no Gina :D I’m so sorry you broke your food processor, that sounds like something I would do. I’m really enjoying your blog BTW, I love following your journey
I think the man curtain was a great idea. All those tools would get heavy, though. My husband has something with hooks that holds his ties and belts. It’s great for keeping them organized and from being all over floor.
Yeah, silly me, I never took into account how heavy the chains plus a whole bunch of tools would be.
Oh my dear, very well written post, Michelle. Failure can make us perfect. You are right we should not shy of our failure. we all are human beings. Sometimes we start a project but that can be a total disaster.
Home-shelf is looking so cute for small items and garden swing is an awesome idea. I am looking forward to see all your new and successful projects in future.
Thank you so much Sadhna and you’re right it’s only by failing that we succeed
You are hilarious! This was a great post. I agree about all the picture perfect homes on Instagram, etc. Who actually lives like that? Not me… Personally, I think the man curtain was a fabulous idea. Don’t let it go. You’ll make it work at some point! Also, I adore the HOME shelf that you came up with!
:D Thank you Amy, I’m glad I’m not the only one that gets a bit freaked out by perfect homes
Hey Michelle: I really enjoyed reading along, I was nodding my head thinking yes that’s logical, good idea, what could go wrong it makes sense to me. I can just imagine your shock when the whole thing came crashing down. In our home Hubs is always cautioning me about the weight of something. He often has to curb my enthusiasm on “ideas”. I have to say though that your new whimsical swing is my favorite post to date and maybe it wouldn’t have occurred if this man curtain had worked out for you. Thank you for sharing its nice to know the reality behind your gorgeous blog.
It sounds like your hubby and mine will get a long beautifully Leanna. One day we’ll get together and they can chat about gravity and we can sneak off and try to defy her as much as possible ;-)
How refreshing! In the online world where we mostly see “perfection”. By the way, I loved your swing and your shelf is great!
Thanks you so much Cathy, I appreciate that
Our fails make us go back to the drawing board so you will come up with an idea for the man curtain. And go down in bloggers history. But in the meantime the swing and shelf look fabulous.
Thank you so much you’re so right Debra, we learn valuable lessons whether it’s a success or a failure
I agree completely with you Michelle, when I see all those perfects homes with lot of decorating stuff everywhere I wonder who does the cleaning. Every time I clean my home the idea of becoming a minimalist grows in my mind. I love the idea of a man curtain and having all his tools there is perfect. I am sure you will find a solution for that because it’s not a fail, it’s another way of how not to do it. Edison knew a lot about that. I love reading your posts, you make me laugh so hard! I can imagine hubby’s words and that crater on the floor lol.
So true Pili, it always looks so amazing in the magazines and some of the decor blogs, but it’s just not practical, well not in our house anyway. Who wants to dust the whole time, when there’s pallets to paint and crafts to make :D
So cleverly and humorously written, you had me in chuckles all the way through it! Yes I know what you mean about wanting to bask in blogging glory! It’s a good thing you survived the crash of the manly curtain. Hardened criminals would have been proud of your man & his vocabulary!! Haha! Well, you will reach “blogging glory,” I am certain…one of these days….along with the other blogging greats!
Oh yay, thank you so much Florance. One day we’ll all stand on that stage together ;-)
Michelle the man curtain is a brilliant idea, and I am sure you will come up with something that will work. But you were able to put your chains into good use on your pretty garden swing.
You are to funny “playing with manly things”. I’m afraid my mind went in the gutter with that, LOL.
:D Now I know why we’re friends, LOL. Thank you Linda
Oh Em Gee, you’re “not the one to shy away from playing with manly things”… made me laugh out loud…Sorry, my mind is in the gutter. I’m going to time out now :(
Those chains do look mighty heavy. I like your idea of man curtain, perhaps some lighter chains would do, unless that would be insulting to the man ;)
Bwaaaahahaha Jas, I love you to bits :D
Michelle, this was such a beautifully written post, love the style and your humor. As for the man curtain, hey you tried and I think it would have been awesome had not the weight been overwhelming. You’ve already made into the book of blogging glory. You and your husband create some of the most awesome sauce projects ever!!
Aww Keri, thank you for making me feel better about my little big fail.
Hahah, I have my share of epic fails but I laughed so hard at the expectations part of “award for turning the world of DIY around” – I can relate so much on that, lol! :D
:D Us girls can always dream :D
Not in a million years would I have come up with that idea Michelle. Had it worked you certainly would have been collecting the Oscar for DIY projects. It is an interesting idea for sure and maybe with the right materials, you can actually achieve it. Nothing like a good fail to wound your pride and put more determination in your mind! And you see, you found another purpose for those chains so it is not a total loss.
LOL Mary, I don’t know about the Oscar, maybe a Golden Raspberry. But an award is an award ;-)
Ah that home shelf is beautiful and the swing a dream! You come up with genius ideas all the time Michelle, ALL THE TIME! That man curtain, another great one, seriously, how cool! And I’m sure you’ll figure out how to make it lightweight soon enough! I had fun reading your post, lol, fails can be so much fun , hey??
Thanks so much my friend. I must admit I really enjoyed this one. We need to do more challenges like this
Your HOME shelf is my favorite, too! I agree with your saying – move by learning, that’s it :)
I have so many attempts that didn’t even make it to the stage of “project”, I have lost count. But I have learned on each one. Every new project is easier and shorter due to those lessons.
have a great day!
You’re so right Ana, it does get easier once you’ve figured out what works and what doesn’t. Thank you so much for your lovely comment too