I lost my creative spark somewhere last month. I don’t know how it happened, but I suspect it’s because I’ve started spending waaaayyyy to much time in front of my laptop being a techie. After 8 to 9 hours at the office fixing data problems and then coming home to work on the blog, I’m all techied out.
My biggest passion has always been drawing or creating something with my hands and for a while now I’ve been trying really hard to convince myself that blogging is creating. It is, right? I’m not so sure anymore. 80% of the time I find myself doing the behind-the-scenes techie stuff. Making sure I tick off all the SEO boxes, doing the social media thing, writing a blog post, editing photos – every single one of which involves sitting on my ever-spreading butt in front of the laptop when I get home. Well no more!!! I want my creative spark back.
So, I set myself a challenge this weekend. Put the laptop away, turn off all notifications and do something creative. Anything. It didn’t have to be perfect, as long as I could immerse myself in experimenting, learning, and creating. And that’s just what I did – I sketched fairy horses and did cartwheels on the lawn. Not my most glorious moment, BTW. I kinda forgot that cartwheels are best done when you wear something that’s not going to flip over your head and expose your grandma panties to everyone :D
I rekindled my passion for pastels and listened to loud music.
I watched a Dog’s Purpose with my daughter and we laughed and cried together. When Ethan’s life became unhinged I recognized myself and realized once again that it’s the small things that keep us together and life is too short to worry about something like SEO. Okay, I’m still going to worry about SEO, but not so much anymore ;-) There were so many lessons in that movie. Have you seen it?
I’m not going to spoil it, but suffice to say when I woke up on Sunday morning I gave all our fur babies a big fat hug before parking my ever-spreading “laptop butt” down to enjoy my first cup of coffee and contemplate life.
A hug is a great gift. One size fits all and it's easy to exchange.
One thing led to another and before I knew it those creative sparks started flying again. It was the fur baby hugs that did it :D I figured out how to make a hinge using a leather belt and a stick.
Oh, the possibilities. As soon as I get my act together I’ll publish a full post on how to make them. I learned that a plastic bottle can be recycled into an awesome pencil case or an ottoman.
Can you see the plastic on the inside of the lid? That’s the bottom of the plastic bottle :D I played around with embossing leather…….
……. and made leather flowers.
Larger leather bits were used as trim and a tassel for fun. Pssst, did you know that tassels are also perfect for making a donkey’s mane and tail ;-)
So What Can You Do to Get Your Creative Spark Back
- Walk away from things that cause unnecessary mind clutter. I had to take a huge step away from technology and get back to basics before those sparks started flying again. For someone else, it might be turning the TV off or getting out of the hustle and bustle of the city.
- Allow yourself to be a child again. Go outside and do handstands or play tag. Don’t worry if your panties show, as long as they’re clean ;-) I honestly believe that we’re all born creative. But somewhere along the line, as we become adults, self-doubt and endless rules rob us of our natural creative abilities. So take your inner child’s hand and go for a walk together.
- Live in the moment and let nature inspire you. Give your fur babies a hug, admire the beauty of a spider’s web and stare at the clouds.
- Don’t compare yourself to others. We are all unique. I can draw but I can’t bake a cake, write a novel, or play an instrument and I really suck at telling jokes. REALLY SUCK, I always forget the punch line.
- Creativity is all about discovering and learning. So experiment without having a specific end goal in mind. If it doesn’t work, you would still have learned something. I have tons of failed craft projects lying around. Some of them can never be saved, but every one of them taught me something.
- Give yourself time. Time to just “BE” without any expectations. I gave myself a weekend and I can feel that it’s not enough. It’s too easy for me to slip back into the habit of chasing SEO and working on my laptop butt. I’m going to give myself more time. So forgive me if I’m a little quiet for the next few weeks. I’ll be outside dancing under the stars with my inner child and kissing fur babies.
What do you do when you feel uninspired and lose your spark? I’d really love to hear about it.

Oh and if you’re looking for some amazing books about creativity, we’ve got you covered Disclosure: Clicking on the links below, means we may receive a commission from Amazon. But don’t worry it won’t come out of your pocket, and it helps us come up with more amazing craft ideas to share with you ;-)
Here’s wishing you a wonderful, creative week filled with lots of love and crazy moments. Thank you for popping in for a visit.
This is brilliant as ever Michelle :). I think you know that I’ve been struggling with exactly the same thing so this is a timely post for me. I don’t have a fur baby and I can’t do a cartwheel ( I wish I could)! But I did manage to get out into the garden a few days ago and work off some of my frustration by ‘playing’ there so you and I are definitely on the same page! After that I spent two days away from the computer being creative (it’s not posted yet but when you see a steering wheel, you’ll see what I did ). It’s a small step in the right direction. I really would like to stay away from the computer for an extended time but I haven’t managed to build a steady audience like other bloggers and for some reason it really bothers me. As much as I dislike all the time spent on SEO (and the ever expanding butt of course ) it’s such a catch 22 because without an audience I can’t share my love of craft with others as I would like.
I hear you, Sara. Sometimes it feels like we’re running around in SEO circles trying to figure out algorithms and all the technical stuff and not getting anywhere. It’s something we all struggle with. That being said, you, like Anita are very unique. Your mind works in ways that other people’s don’t and that’s beautiful. You’re ahead of the pack when it comes to thinking outside of the box and being creative and sometimes it takes a while for the world to catch on, but they will my friend. They will. Keep on pushing those boundaries. You have so much talent and I can’t wait to see the steering wheel creation.
I really love this post, it is me to a T. I am so fed up with typing up tutorials which doesn’t come naturally too, and which take me about 5 hours to do. I am sick of failing to get my website noticed. I end up doubting my creative talents based on how my viewers I get. Well, not any more. As of next week my husband has convinced me to take 3 weeks leave and just have fun in my shed and craft room. My website has started to take the joy out of a hobby I have always loved. So hopefully my creative juices will come flying back. And I loved that movie too. ?
You, my friend, are one of the MOST talented and creative people I know. Your DIY projects and creations are truly unique and you can see how much effort and heart you put into them. Good for you for taking a break and listening to your hubby. You will find that creative spark again. It’s part of your makeup and you’ll come back with a bang. I think you’re amazing and the world will be a sad place without you sharing your things on a bigger platform. Now go and hug that gorgeous fur baby of yours ?
This one’s for me. I know a lot of other lovely people feel the same way, but I know your inner voice was telling you to share this when I needed it. I love tech work, but it’s an endless rabbit trail taking a maker further and further from the reason we start sharing with the world in the first place. (Sorry for the rabbit trail of a sentence.) So thanks, Michelle. I love your style of creativity.
I hear you, Dorothy. The backend stuff on a blog SUCKS!! And I work in IT so it should be a breeze ? But it has it’s upsides too. I have made some incredible virtual friends and pushed boundaries I didn’t even know I had. And you can take me down a rabbit hole anytime as long as you bring some of your beautiful cards, oh and Kim too ?
Michelle, this was a great post, especially the cartwheels:) I felt like you have and walked away from everything and came back and wrote on my website…Everything is Going to be Alright. Moments are important
You’re right Deana, everything is going to be alright. Thank you
I definitely appreciated this post! I sometimes feel like I’m ‘forcing’ myself to do a project JUST because I haven’t done a post in a while, etc. But when I’m creating, just for the joy of creating — it really is a great feeling! Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting on the spray chalk paint project!
Anytime Lauren. I’ll be visiting lots more. I love your blog
I love this post Michelle! I can relate to every bit of it except the techie part. I am so NOT techy. I can relate to “laptop butt” though. I haven’t seen the movie, but it sounds delightful. I’m really not terribly creative either, but I try my best. All of us bloggers can relate to feeling pulled in a zillion different directions trying to keep up with it all.
I’m real glad to hear I’m not the only one Florence. Who would’ve thought that blogging could be so hard sometimes.
Very beautiful project Michelle, its stunning. It was very moving to hear that you too sometimes have struggles. I will often weigh the challenges, if I blog and no ones reads it because I haven’t marketed it. If I don’t create there is nothing to blog about.
I finally realized I love blogging because its my own, I am the owner. That is one of the big benefits of blogging. When that happens I am able to do exactly what you did. It warms my heart to know that such a widely talented and creative women shares the same emotions. Thanks so much for sharing my friend. Hugs.
Deep down in inside we’re all the same I suppose. Full of doubt and never enough time to do the things we love so much. I’m realizing more and more that one of the BEST things about blogging is the wonderful people we meet along the way, like you Leanna. Thank you so much <3
Oh, I so needed to read this today. A Dog’s Purpose has been added to my Must Watch list. Yep, every time I walk away to just breathe, sit outside on the deck with my fur baby on my lap and watching the squirrel’s antics, or better yet pack a suitcase and head for the coast, I ALWAYS come back refreshed and loaded with creative ideas. When blog SEO is getting me down I try life SEO – Shut Up|Empty Your Head|Outdoors We Go!
That’s the best definition I’ve ever heard of SEO Marie. Just brilliant!!! I must remember that and let me know what you think of a Dog’s Purpose my friend. I loved it
Funny you said that. Movies have lately been sparking my creativity in such a big way. I like that idea. Music always seems to change things for me.
Music is a huge source of inspiration for me too. It’s amazing how it talks to our senses in such a beautiful way
I haven’t seen the movie but have heard it’d make you cry (and you’ve confirmed it to me :) so I think that’s why I’ve been avoiding it. Too much stress here already so avoiding anything that would make me weep. Silly, right? Maybe a bit of crying would relieve the stress and also, like you mentioned, snap us out of everyday unnecessary worries like SEO :) Life is SOOOO much bigger than that and, thankfully, whenever I take time off social media, spend more time with family and friends, out and about, being active, I feel so much more alive <3 Just need fur babies in our home :) I would be giving them plenty of hugs :D Loved the tips on how to get the creative spark back! They all work like a charm.
xox Nadia
It’s soooo worth watching Nadia. My mom always said we need to empty our jug before we can fill it again and a good happy cry always works for me ;-)
Thanks so much for stopping by!! The frogs sitting on a bench were bought about 10 years ago at Sam’s Club.
Those frogs are the cutest Debbie. Hope you have a happy week my creative friend
Firstly, I LOVED your tips on staying creative. All of them brilliant! I also adore your pencil case! The leather work is stunning, Michelle! I love that little gadget too! Your work and creativity always inspire me. When I see a new post from your blog, I always get so excited! Thanks so much for this. I needed it big time right now. You are so right, all the behind the scenes work is a buzzkill for creativity. I get so frustrated by it as well. So blessed to have discovered your blog and your friendship! xo
I feel the same way Carolann. Looks like working on the laptop butt does actually pay off sometimes. We get to meet the most awesome people in blogland ;-)
I really enjoyed reading this post, Michelle. I think it boils down to knowing ourselves and what makes us happy and fulfilled. I’ve gotten a lot more selfish with my free time. And spending it on figuring out social media, is just not on my to do list. It looks like you got your groove back because your leather pieces are gorgeous! Respect :D
Thank you soooo very much Cynthia. And you are spot on with the bit about knowing yourself. I always thought I did, but I got sucked into the whole social media and SEO thing without even realizing it. And I miss ME
I am quite lucky to blog about something creative as makeup. In fact I do create nail art manicures and I try to be original with my makeup looks, associating improbable colors and challenging myself to make them look good. Then I snap pictures of my work and share it on my blog. Is in the way I share things I am still not creative enough. I just present them quite plainly. So I definitely should work in improving that!
I’ve read quite a few of your posts and your writing style is lovely Natalia. I suppose we should never stop working on improving ourselves and whet we do
My sentiments exactly, Michelle. I had to walk away from SEO, the chair with my big butt imprint, and my laptop that has me glued to its screen and social media (I’m back now after 10 unproductive days). I lost my creative spark too but in my case, it means no food and no eating, lol.
That horse drawing is absolutely stunning! Wish I could at least draw a stick figure, ha! Not even wishing to be able to create anything else you do, becasue I just know my fingers won’t bend that way :)
LOL and here I was feeling all sorry for myself and your family was starving ‘-) Good for you Jas, although I really missed seeing what deliciousness you’ve been cooking up. We all need to get a way from technology every now and then, it messes with our souls.
As far as blogging, when I try to come up with something outside of fashion and travel to blog about, I usually visit other blogs and see what type of things they’re doing. Or I may just drive and look around. There’s inspiration everywhere.
Where Fashion + Travel Live Happily Ever After
You’re so right Candy. We can find inspiration anywhere if we just look hard enough
Oh, you expressed exactly how I have been feeling. You definitely need to walk away from the computer and enjoy the things you love to do. And when you come back and create a wonderful pencil case. I love looking at all of your projects. And I also loved A Dog’s Purpose.
Thanks so much Debra :D I really wonder if there’s a bug going around. Do many of us are feeling bleeah.
I love this post. I think it is necessary to step away sometimes. As a professional musician, I find that I have always done better by NOT practicing every day. One or two days off a week help keep me motivated and fresh. So, good for you for taking a weekend off! Also, I love the pencil holder. I certainly don’t think you’ve lost the creative spark – it just needed a little rest. :)
I never knew you were a professional musician Amy. Wow.
Nature always gets me back in the mood!!
That’s so true hey Jodie. Connecting with Mother Nature always calms me down
I am glad you got your creative juices flowing again. Every now and then i lose my flow, i think we all do as bloggers. I find taking a break sometimes helps . Cheers
It’s now quite there yet, it’s more like a dribble at the moment ;-) But I’ll get there. Thank you Sue ;-)
Sometimes I too face the writer’s block. Your tips sound so helpful to get off that mood.
I do hope the tips help a little when you get writer’s block Indrani, they helped me a lot
This is such a great post! As someone who works in a creative field, it’s so difficult when you lose your creative spark. It happens sometimes but tuning out and tuning into those things that you love help it come back!
Thank you so much Kelly and yeah you’re right. Sometimes we have to tune out to tune in :D
I totally want to see A Dog’s Purpose, too. Your talk of laughing so hard has sealed the deal…I’m renting it!
It’s a lovely heart warming movie Amy, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.
I think you will always have your creative spark, but it’s good that you were able to step away for awhile. As for the ever widing laptop butt, I so get that. Lol.
This week I have taken some time off, we having been having a staycation. We haven’t gone anywhere just been working around the house. So I’ve been doing the bare minimum on my blog, and been enjoying the break.
I just heard about a staycation the other day and it sounds like such a great idea. I know how many hours you put in at work too Linda, so taking the time to spend at home with the hubby doing all the things you’ve been meaning to do sounds good to me. Enjoy your break my friend and those new/used pool chairs ;-)
I know what you mean. I not only lost my creative spark but I am also loosing my sight. I took a month break, maybe you should too :)
Oh Elena, I’m so sorry to hear that. Sending you loads of love and good wishes
This post has come at the right time for me, I need to get my creative mojo back !
It’s awful when it happens, you feel so lost. I’m sure yours will come back to Jazz, just give it some time
Your post is on a topic I had been thinking about. I’m a crocheter, and I sort of lost my mojo back in November though I am not quite finished with a shawl I’m making. I’ve gotta get myself going again. I am so impressed with your pencil holder – it’s stunning! The leatherwork is incredible. Keep up the good work!
I wonder if there’s a “creative juice destroying” bug going around or maybe we’re all just working to hard and forgetting to play. I hope you get your shawl done Allison. I’ve always wanted to learn how to crochet.
I absolutely adore your warm tone photos! Those glasses are so adorable! Where did you get them from? I find myself from time to time taking a break from social as well, nice read!
I believe those glasses were my great granddad’s on my mom’s side of the family. Aren’t they just the coolest? Thanks so much for your lovely comment Jessica, I really appreciate it
This post is very inspiring! Sometimes it’s okay to have a break and as a blogger we do tend to lose our creative spark!
Thanks so much Nicole, it’s good to know that I’m not the only one :D
I’m so glad that you were able to walk away from the computer at least even for a day. I know all about that spreading butt on the chair. Haha! Michelle I think as long as you have paper and pencil you will always be super creative. The thing I hate about blogging the the SM circus. That to me is the worst and it only seems to be getting more vicious. But I decided to just concentrate on one or two and then just do the minimum for the rest. And I try to enjoy the writing process as much as the photography. That too is creativity, no?
Oh yes Mary, writing is creative and you do it so well. It always feels like I can actually hear your voice when I read your posts. I often really struggle to find the words, I’d far rather draw them than try and write them
I think you express yourself perfectly with drawing. That is your comfort place I think.
Hubby said the same thing and when two of my favorite people agree, it’s probably a good idea for me to listen ;-) Time for me to pick up the paint brush again
It’s good to take a break from the online world from time to time. It can be so overwhelming and it’s no wonder that the creative juices don’t flow anymore. I’m glad you got your muse back, Michelle. Your pencil holder turned out great! Go and have fun doing some more cartwheels! :)
xo Julia
I swear I’m going to put a hex on technology. UGH, why does it have to rule our lives so completely. One thing I do know if that every time I pop into your blog I get inspired so maybe technology isn’t all bad ;-)
I’m glad you got your creative juices flowing again Michelle. It has happened a lot to me this past year, adjusting work with family and me-time. That can be one tricky bugger. Movie time with the kiddos is a great way to step away from the to-do lists, we went to the movies last night and watched the new Despicable me movie and it was awesome. I have to ask my girls if they´ve watched a dog´s purpose. If not, then that´s on tonight! ;) Can´t wait to see more of your beautiful pencil holder! Looks amazing as all of your creations!
It couldn’t have been easy for your Katrin and you still come up with the most amazingly beautiful things. You definitely have a gift for making everyday things so beautiful and classy
Michelle, that’s awesome that you took a break from technology and got your creative spark back! I haven’t seen A Dog’s Purpose yet but now I’m going to put it on my watch list. These are great tips for getting that creative juice flowing again! It obviously worked, you made some wonderful things!
You and the girls will love the movie Keri. It’s such a lovely story. Hope you have a happy week my friend
Love this
Thank you Melissa :D
Love this! I’m still catching up on last week’s linkys, but refusing to join any this week! I’m taking my break … and will break it how I see fit!
Glad you got your groove back!
:D I love that and I hear you, sometimes it all gets a bit much. Hope you have an awesome break
Sound like you had a glorious weekend and wow, what amazing art!
I did, it was looooong overdue ;-)
I have goosebumps, Michelle. I’ve driven myself crazy, probably literally, trying to juggle all aspects of life and blogging. Working 2 jobs, 1physically draining, the other just plain boring ;) and then coming home totally drained and wondering why I just can’t muster the energy to do something, anything.
I love being creative too and I never want to lose that. Your tassel and bottle are awesome and the design on that piece of leather looks incredible! I love seeing all that you create but, I’m with you, we need to take breaks so that we don’t forget what’s truly important to us.
Oh I’m so glad to hear I’m not the only one Angie, it’s driving me nuts at the moment. I can’t understand exactly when I let technology and blogging take over my life, but it did, and I’m going to kick it’s butt right back where it belongs. Coz my laptop butt needs a break and my creative soul wants to dance again <3