I lost my creative spark somewhere last month. I don’t know how it happened, but I suspect it’s because I’ve started spending waaaayyyy to much time in front of my laptop being a techie. After 8 to 9 hours at the office fixing data problems and then coming home to work on the blog, I’m all techied out. 

My biggest passion has always been drawing or creating something with my hands and for a while now I’ve been trying really hard to convince myself that blogging is creating. It is, right? I’m not so sure anymore. 80% of the time I find myself doing the behind-the-scenes techie stuff. Making sure I tick off all the SEO boxes, doing the social media thing, writing a blog post, editing photos – every single one of which involves sitting on my ever-spreading butt in front of the laptop when I get home. Well no more!!! I want my creative spark back.

When your creative spark goes missing and how to find it again.

So, I set myself a challenge this weekend. Put the laptop away, turn off all notifications and do something creative. Anything. It didn’t have to be perfect, as long as I could immerse myself in experimenting, learning, and creating. And that’s just what I did – I sketched fairy horses and did cartwheels on the lawn. Not my most glorious moment, BTW. I kinda forgot that cartwheels are best done when you wear something that’s not going to flip over your head and expose your grandma panties to everyone 😀

I rekindled my passion for pastels and listened to loud music. Click to Tweet

I watched a Dog’s Purpose with my daughter and we laughed and cried together. When Ethan’s life became unhinged I recognized myself and realized once again that it’s the small things that keep us together and life is too short to worry about something like SEO. Okay, I’m still going to worry about SEO, but not so much anymore 😉 There were so many lessons in that movie. Have you seen it?

I’m not going to spoil it, but suffice to say when I woke up on Sunday morning I gave all our fur babies a big fat hug before parking my ever-spreading “laptop butt” down to enjoy my first cup of coffee and contemplate life.

A hug is a great gift. One size fits all and it's easy to exchange. Click to Tweet

One thing led to another and before I knew it those creative sparks started flying again. It was the fur baby hugs that did it 😀 I figured out how to make a hinge using a leather belt and a stick.

When your creative spark goes missing and how to find it again

Oh, the possibilities. As soon as I get my act together I’ll publish a full post on how to make them. I learned that a plastic bottle can be recycled into an awesome pencil case or an ottoman.

When your creative spark goes missing and how to find it again

Can you see the plastic on the inside of the lid? That’s the bottom of the plastic bottle 😀 I played around with embossing leather…….

When your creative spark goes missing and how to find it again

……. and made leather flowers.

When your creative spark goes missing and how to find it again

Larger leather bits were used as trim and a tassel for fun. Pssst, did you know that tassels are also perfect for making a donkey’s mane and tail 😉

Tips for finding your creative spark when it goes missing from one of the top creative bloggers in the country #CreativeSpark #ACraftyMix #LifeSkills #Creativity #CraftBlogs #TopCraftBlogs

So What Can You Do to Get Your Creative Spark Back

  • Walk away from things that cause unnecessary mind clutter. I had to take a huge step away from technology and get back to basics before those sparks started flying again. For someone else, it might be turning the TV off or getting out of the hustle and bustle of the city.
  • Allow yourself to be a child again. Go outside and do handstands or play tag. Don’t worry if your panties show, as long as they’re clean 😉 I honestly believe that we’re all born creative. But somewhere along the line, as we become adults, self-doubt and endless rules rob us of our natural creative abilities. So take your inner child’s hand and go for a walk together.
  • Live in the moment and let nature inspire you. Give your fur babies a hug, admire the beauty of a spider’s web and stare at the clouds.
  • Don’t compare yourself to others. We are all unique. I can draw but I can’t bake a cake, write a novel, or play an instrument and I really suck at telling jokes. REALLY SUCK, I always forget the punch line.
  • Creativity is all about discovering and learning. So experiment without having a specific end goal in mind. If it doesn’t work, you would still have learned something. I have tons of failed craft projects lying around. Some of them can never be saved, but every one of them taught me something.
  • Give yourself time. Time to just “BE” without any expectations. I gave myself a weekend and I can feel that it’s not enough. It’s too easy for me to slip back into the habit of chasing SEO and working on my laptop butt. I’m going to give myself more time. So forgive me if I’m a little quiet for the next few weeks. I’ll be outside dancing under the stars with my inner child and kissing fur babies.

What do you do when you feel uninspired and lose your spark? I’d really love to hear about it.

In these crazy times it's easy to lose your creative spark. Get some tips on how to find it again from one of the top creative bloggers in the country #Creativity #CreativeTips #LifeTips #ACraftyMix #CraftBlogs

Oh and if you’re looking for some amazing books about creativity, we’ve got you covered Disclosure: Clicking on the links below, means we may receive a commission from Amazon. But don’t worry it won’t come out of your pocket, and it helps us come up with more amazing craft ideas to share with you 😉

Sale Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration
Sale The Artist's Way: 30th Anniversary Edition
The Creativity Checklist: The 11 Step System That Instantly Pulls Million Dollar Ideas Out Of Your Head

Here’s wishing you a wonderful, creative week filled with lots of love and crazy moments. Thank you for popping in for a visit.

Made with love by a Crafty Mix