It’s that time of the month again when blogging friends from around the world take part in the Int’l Bloggers Club. We’ve been thinking about doing a thrift store swap challenge, but we just couldn’t figure out the logistics.

We’re all from different countries so the exchange rate plays a big part in how much money you can or can’t spend. In South Africa, we also have a major problem with our postal services. They go on strike at the drop of a hat and you could wait months before you get your package. If it’s a really bad strike it could be years. So we thought about doing a virtual thrift store swap instead, and that slowly evolved to become a virtual gift swap just in time for Christmas.

Here’s how it works. We each had to take a photo of three objects that we have lying around waiting for a makeover. You know the ones that keep on saying “Pick me, Pick me!!” and get just ignored because you can’t remember what on earth possessed you to buy them in the first place. We shared the photos on our Facebook group and voted which item would be the chosen one ;-) and then we had a month to re-purpose that item. What makes the challenge super special, is that the chosen item is your Christmas gift to yourself, with love from the Int’l Bloggers Club. Now that’s pretty darn cool. Here’s the three pics I posted.

Guess what…. my tribe voted for the one item that had been begging for a makeover for months now. I had been avoiding this rusty little contraption for a very long time. It looked like some kind of geriatric walking aid with a floppy bit in front.

The contraption
It’s desperate screams for attention must have been heard all over the world. After I had a major little panic attack I grabbed a tin of spray paint and sprayed that baby black. It didn’t change much though, the rusty old contraption just became a shiny new one :-( I hauled it back to the garage and considered telling my tribe that we needed a re-vote. Fast forward a few days and that little contraption was slowly getting buried beneath a pile of pallets. Some bright spark had been using her as a temporary workbench (probably my hubby, he’s the brains in the family). Anyways, that’s when inspiration struck. The contraption was probably a frame of some sort and she would make the perfect craft table. So we measured and cut some pallets to make a table top and a small seat.

Pallets cut to size
And if this was going to be a craft table then extra storage would always come in handy. We added a small shelf to the bottom of the table and used a spade bit to make a hole big enough to insert a metal cup like thing, another random item that’s been floating around for a while ;-)

Creating storage
The pallets were screwed onto the contraption and painted and sealed to protect them from any crafty spillage. And just for fun we added a pretty decal.

Table top
I kinda like how it all turned out. The chair portion can be flipped up when the craft table is not in use, which saves space.

Or flipped down when you’re in the mood for some crafting.

The craft table is the perfect size for little people ;-)

Now it’s so much better than how it started out.

I’m not sure if you noticed the little sign at the top there, just above the pot plant.

It was made to honor and remember my tribe and how they challenged me to not give up on contraptions. Thank you, Mary, Pili, Katrin, and Keri for everything, the love, the support, and for making me part of the tribe. To see what odd things these gorgeous ladies shared as part of the challenge and their awesome re-purposed gifts to themselves, just click on the links below.

Sending blessings and love as always
Genius! this desk has such character. I love the makeover you did.
Thanks so much, I really appreciate it :D
That tribe sign is so special. What a gift. I don’t know how you come up with these projects, but I am certainly glad that you do. Love reading them. Thanks for sharing and what a great tribe it is!
Thanks for all the support Leanna and I’m so glad you like my weird and wacky projects ;-)
What a wonderful and special tribe that you are apart of Michelle!!! And WOW what a brillant transformation!! Love how you have made something that most would kick to the kerb into something so amazing!! Pinning and sharing allll over the world!!
Aaaw Sam, I’m so lucky to be part of the tribe and a lot of my inspiration comes from the beautiful things you’ve transformed. Thank you so much for your lovely comment and for sharing the little craft desk
This is such an inspirational transformation! I had no idea it was so big and to see it complete is mind blowing! Absolutely wonderful job :)
Thank you Angie. Finding the inspiration was a bit of a challenge, thank goodness for bright sparks ;-)
I read about this challenge on Mary’s blog and I loved what you made! The tribe sign is also very beautiful and inspiring!
Thank you Katerina, I really appreciate it
Amazing project! So, it turned out to be a desk and a chair, really cool! Tribe wall art is quite special, too. You got yourself a very cozy corner.
Thank you so much Ana ;-)
Michelle, like Katrin I was crying too by the end of the post. Thank you, dear friend for that sweet sign. I am going to copy that and put it on my desktop! Now about that contraption. That is exactly what it was before, I couldn’t make heads or tails of it. I’m glad you had inspiration because I’ll still be scratching my head. And what inspiration! This is above and beyond. It looks like something out of Hardware Restoration. Love that little cup and the stencil. But most of all the little guy sitting on it. Happy Holidays!
I really didn’t mean for you to cry Mary, thank you for noticing me in the big cosmos of blogs and all the advice and laughter. That little dude is a very special person, he’s one of a twin and if ever you want someone to help build fairy gardens he’s your go to little man. He’s mind astounds me.
Michelle, you did an awesome job with this pile of junk. When I voted for it I was really curious but certain at the same time that you would come up with something for it, and you did it!! Love the space you’ve created, the color and the decal. I can tell it will inspire lots of projects and doodles.
And what can I say about that Tribe picture? Just to thank you for allowing me be part of your life, my friend. Sending a big hug!
Thank you so much Pili, that contraption was a little intimidating and you voted for it first ;-) Hugs right back at you
Oh Michelle you made me cry, our tribe sign is so so special, you are so sweet and I’m so happy you are part of it! And the craft table is just gorgeous! From the picture we voted, I had no idea it was such a big item, but this is just perfect and so cool how you just like that added some pallets here and there and now have a little craft spot with a seat!! I can see that your sweet son is liking it too !
Awww I never meant to make you cry Katrin. I just didn’t know how to say thank you for making me part of what you ladies started. The little guys is a really good friend of mine’s son. He has a twin brother and they are the sweetest little people. I wish you could see how creative they are when it comes to thinking outside the box and building fairy houses. The stunning art work on the wall was painted by his mom, who’s really talented, must be where they get their beautiful little mind from.
Michelle, you’re a genius!! Love how you transformed this piece into a table, just amazing!! I really like the details you added like the holder and decal. I love, love your sign!! That’s so sweet and awesome!! It’s such a blessing to have you in the tribe!!!!! :)
Thank you my friend, I got super lucky when you ladies found me. If it wasn’t for you I would have no idea how to join a link party, thanks for all the help <3