One of the first games I ever played was Tic Tac Toe. It’s probably the first game I taught my kids to play too. The rules are extremely simple and it’s been used to teach the basics of strategy and good sportsmanship for thousands of years. Back in the day, we used to just use pen and paper to play but I wanted one that could be reused. And since we’re all about recycling and repurposing, I made this one using bottle tops.

And it comes with a handy hessian bag to store all the bits in too. The tic tac toe in a bag takes about 20 minutes to make, so it’s an ideal craft for a lazy Sunday morning.

Right, before I show you just how easy it is to use bottle tops to make tic tac toe in a bag, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram. And hit that “subscribe” button so you’ll never miss a post!
What you need
- Some hessian or burlap (about 50 cm x 50 cm)
- 10 bottle tops
- Embroidery thread, ribbon, and a needle
- Aluminum tape or spray paint
- Pen and scissor
- Sewing machine
- Glue gun

How to repurpose bottle tops to make tic tac toe in a bag
How to make the board
Cut a square piece of hessian measuring 21 cm x 21 cm and zigzag the edges with your sewing machine. Hessian tends to fray a lot.

Carefully mark 7 cm and 14 cm on each of the four sides of your square. Using a pen draw lines on the hessian to create a 3 x 3 grid. Thread your needle with the embroidery thread and using chain stitch sew along your grid lines.

How to make the bag
Cut a piece of hessian 40 cm x 15 cm and zigzag the edges.

Fold the hessian in half so that it measures 20 cm x 15 cm and sew up the sides. Flip the bag outside-in or inside-out. Not sure what the right word is here but the stitches should now be on the inside of the bag ;-) Weave your ribbon through the hessian about 3 cm down from the opening.

How to make the pieces
Use a pen and put an X on 5 of your beer bottle tops. Draw an O on the other 5.

Trace the pen markings with your glue gun. I got a serious case of the shakes when I did the O’s, so they look a bit wonky :D

While you wait for the glue to dry, cut the aluminum tape into 4.5 cm bits. You’ll need 10 of these to cover the bottle tops. If you don’t have aluminum tape you can use spray paint instead.

Starting with the X’s carefully stick the aluminum foil over the bottle tops. The X’s are easier to do and will give you practice before your start on the Os.

Using the bottle top as a template, cut 10 circles. Stick them on the inside of the bottle top to neaten it up.

And that’s it. Easy, peasy tic tac toe in a bag.

Anyone for a game of Tic Tac Toe with wonky O’s?

If you like the idea of repurposing bottle tops to make tic tac toe in a bag, don’t forget to pin it tutorial for later.

Oh and if you’re looking for some of the things we used, we’ve got you covered. Disclosure: Clicking on the links below, means we may receive a commission from Amazon. But don’t worry it won’t come out of your pocket, and it helps us make more amazing crafts to share with you ;-)
And if you prefer to buy rather than DIY, then maybe these beauties will appeal.
And as always, wishing you a wonderful, crafty week filled with lots of love. Thank you for popping in for a visit.

1 comment
Too cute!