I really love that special time of the year when Winter transitions into Spring. When the days get a little longer and the first buds start appearing. It makes my heart do a happy dance. So to celebrate the arrival of the most beautiful season of all and this month’s IBC Challenge, we made this gorgeous Spring heart wreath with resin detail.

All that luscious greenery promises that the cold, miserable days of winter are almost over and that Spring is on her way, bursting with life and new growth.

The heart shaped wreath is a great way to add something unique to your decor.

And right in the middle is a translucent resin heart, with a message to remind you just how much “You Are Loved”. It also forms the core of this month’s IBC “I Love Resin” challenge.

What’s The IBC All About
The IBC, or International Blogger’s Club, is a group of bloggers from all over the world who challenge each other to make something using a common theme. Our last challenge was “Christmas” and we shared a tutorial to make these interchangeable art bottle lights. You’ll find all my friend’s “I Love Resin” crafts at the bottom of this tutorial and they’re stunning. So don’t miss out.
Okay, before I show you how to make one, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram. And don’t forget to subscribe so you’ll never miss a crafty tutorial or DIY post!
What you need for the Spring Heart Wreath
This Spring heart wreath consists of three heart layers:
- A small resin heart that captures the light
- A rusty cardboard heart for contrast and texture
- And finally, a gorgeous fresh cut ivy heart to frame everything and celebrate the arrival of Spring and the promises she holds. If you prefer to use faux ivy, feel free to do so.
For the heart layers you’ll need the following:
Small Resin Heart
- Alcohol ink (green)
- Twine
- Aluminum foil or wax paper
- Pretty charm (optional)
- 2-minute cure resin and UV light
I love using this stuff to make miniature water features. It sets in minutes and dries crystal clear.

Medium Rusty Cardboard Heart
- Thick cardstock
- Heart template (free to download)
- Coarse Spice
- Mod Podge/Clear craft glue
- Brown and orange craft paint
- Reindeer moss
- Paintbrush
Large Ivy Frame Heart
- Ivy (real or faux)
- Hammer and a bucket of water
- Sturdy florist wire
How to make a Spring Heart Wreath
We’ll start with the littlest heart at the center of this easy wreath. The 2-minute resin heart.

Small Resin Heart
Protect your work surface with either aluminium foil or wax paper (shiny side facing you). Uncap the 2-minute resin and draw a heart shape as shown below.

Add a few drops of green alcohol ink and use the UV light to cure the resin. This awesome stuff cures in sunlight too but it takes a bit longer and I have no patience ?

If you are sensitive to smells, work in a well-ventilated area as the 2-minute resin gives off quite a strong odor while it cures. Once it cures you can peel it off the aluminum foil.

I added a small “You are Loved” charm on the resin heart once it cured.

The stuff sets rock hard so you’ll need a drill to make two small holes for the charm and a third to hang the resin heart.

Medium Rusty Heart
The rusty middle heart is made from thick card stock that’s been painted brown. You can download the template here. To add a little rustification ;-) and texture I used the same spicey technique we shared when we made the window frames for our cracked up planter. It’s really easy to do. Simply apply a liberal amount of mod podge and then sprinkled on a little lots of coarse spice ;-)

Once the mod podge dries apply another layer of brown paint …..

….. and splatter on some watered-down orange paint flecks using a toothbrush.

Glue on some moss in the corners and edges and tie the smaller resin heart to the rusty cardboard heart with twine.

Ivy Heart Frame
The last layer finishes the Spring heart wreath off and frames all the contrasting textures and colors in greenery. Cut a piece of florist wire and form it into a heart shape.

Glue the top of the wire heart to the back of the rusty cardboard heart. Re-enforce the tops of the heart shape with extra florist wire. And finally, wrap some fresh or faux ivy around the wire heart frame.

How to make fresh cut ivy last longer
Cut long strands of older ivy vines (with woody stems) that have grown up in the trunks of trees or over walls. Trim off some of the leaves close to the cut. Lay the woody cut ends of the ivy on a flat surface and use a hammer to gently squish the ends. Squishing the stems makes it easier for the ivy to absorb more water.

Place the ivy in a bucket of cool water add an aspirin. Aspirin is a great anti-transparent and blocks the little pores or stomata in the leaves which helps keep the moisture inside. Leave overnight in a cool spot before using it in your heart wreath. Hang the romantic Spring heart wreath on your wall or front door.

It would also be perfect for a casual wedding or garden party. Or make a few and hang them from the backs of chairs.

All those contrasting textures kinda remind me of the woven twig heart we made a while back.

Isn’t that resin heart so delicately pretty?

The Spring heart wreath is just another resin to celebrate Valentine’s Day IMHO. Sorry I couldn’t resist ;-)

If you like the idea of making a gorgeous Spring heart wreath with resin detail, remember to pin it for later.

Sharing is caring ?

And don’t forget to go have a looksee at the other awesome resin ideas the rest of the girls in the Int’l Bloggers Club came up with.

- Another Unique Creation by Anita. IMHO, nothing captures a sunset scene quite like resin can.
- Marie from Interior Frugalista shares a super easy tutorial to make resin coasters and you can customize them in so many different ways too.
- Celebrating Spring with a resin heart wreath created by yours truly ?
- Meegan made these super clever resin tags. What a great way to show someone what’s inside all those containers.
- And Sam from Raggedy Bits tried her hand at doing an acrylic resin pour on a scrap piece of wood.
Oh and if you’re looking for some of the things we used, we’ve got you covered Disclosure: Clicking on the links below, means we may receive a commission from Amazon. But don’t worry it won’t come out of your pocket, and it helps us make more amazing crafts to share with you ;-)
And if you prefer to buy rather than DIY, then maybe these beauties will appeal.
And as always, wishing you a wonderful, crafty week filled with lots of love. Thank you for popping in for a visit.

I love your heart wreath. It turned out soooo pretty! The perfect wreath to celebrate spring. I had thought that the heart was cut from some rusty metal, and your resin heart is cute! That’s another thing I want to try my hand at someday. Looks like fun!
Thanks so much, Linda. That spicey rust effect is so easy to do and it makes almost anything look like the real thing ;-) Hope you get to play with some resin projects soon. They’re a lot of fun and the 2-minute cure stuff never disappoints either.
Oh beautiful! That green hue is so fresh and lovely. What a bright spot in my own snowy and gray day. Thank you for the resin tutorial and the color!! xxoo
Always a pleasure, Kim. I hope the weather starts improving on your side of the world.
What a gorgeous project for Valentine’s Day! Love that it has such an organic vibe! Pinned
Thanks so much, Libbie.
This is really beautiful. I love all the greens, and as always your technique taught me something I did not know. I love the leather looking paper, but that resin heart is the perfect shade of green.
Thank you, Leanna. It always makes me happy if one of our tutorials can teach someone something new.
This is just the cutest Michelle!! I love the rust technique you used and look forward to trying it! Such a fabulous tutorial!
So happy to hear that, Sam. It’s such an easy and inexpensive way to create faux rust.
What a gorgeous heart! Love the green. I need to try resin. This would be great for St. Patty’s too!
You’re so right, Kim. All that greenery is perfect for St Patrick’s Day too and my hubby does so love celebrating that magical little Irish creature ;-)
This is so cute! Love the rust and green combination, perfect for spring!
Thanks so much, Nancy. Spring is such a happy season it deserves some loving ;-)
This is really beautiful Michelle. I was convinced that the heart was made from real rusty steel. You have that technique down pat. And using foil as a base for pouring the resin, I would never have guessed, it worked perfectly. Another amazing project well done.
It does look so real. Isn’t it amazing what a little bit of paint and spices can do.
Such a beautiful craft for Valentine’s Day! So natural
Thank you, Maria.
I thought for sure that the heart was a piece of rustic metal. You fool me every time Michelle. I love the resin but have never tried it. And you know that I can find it in a snap. Time to try out a resin project!
:D Mary, you’re going to have to start shopping at work. I bet Micheal’s has a whole shelf full of resin stuff ;-)
When I saw the photo of this amazing rusty heart wreath I wondered how you cut the center out of the “metal” heart so perfectly. So you can imagine how shocked I am to read that it’s in fact cardboard. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! You also had me at 2 Minute Cure Time too. Perfect for this impatient girl’s heart and I’m definitely trying another resin craft with UV resin now too. I would have this beauty hanging in a window year-round! You rocked our challenge my friend, as you ALWAYS do.
That 2-minute resin is the bomb, Maria. It’s so easy to use. It does have a horrid smell while it cures though so maybe wait for the weather to improve on your side of the world so you can do it outside? And my skills don’t include cutting metal hearts I’m afraid. Cardboard is just so much easier ;-)
What a beautiful way to celebrate a new season! Your heart wreath has so many gorgeous details. I really like how you colored the resin and shaped it into a heart.
Thanks your for sparking my imagination and wanting for more.
Have a wonderful week.
I’m so happy to hear that, Meegan, especially since your imagination is filled with so many amazing sparks already ❤
I love this wreath. It is nature, the purest form of love, and fresh. I use our grape vines to make wreaths for different seasons. I will try this one , too.?
I wish we had some grapevines to play around with. We’ve considered planting one outback so it can creep up our pergola and for some reason never get around to buying one. We’ll have to make a plan methinks ;-)