December was a very stressful time for us. My son moved to Canada to study Psychology at UBC and my daughter and her dad, aka the ex-hubby, went with to make sure that he settled in okay. Canada is sooo darn far away :-( A week before they left, the ex-hubby also moved into a new house, which meant that my little girl not only had to say goodbye to her best friend and big brother, but the new house didn’t feel like home either. What can a mom do, besides bawl her eyes out because her son is half way across the world.
The ex-hubby and I had a chat and we decided that I could make something for Talea while they were in Canada. Something that would help her settle into her new other home. After throwing a few ideas around we finally agreed that a comfy, cozy window seat would be perfect. Who doesn’t love a window seat?
Here’s the thing though, I would only have 4 hours to install it. On the day they got back from their trip. Wait whaaaaat!!!! I can’t measure, tweak, come back again? Nope. While the ex and I are good friends, giving me unlimited access to the new house clearly wasn’t on the cards. So just in case you find yourself in a similar predicament, here’s what I learnt making a window seat completely off site and installing it in a few hours.
The Making of a Window Seat
I was super worried the day before the install. What if I didn’t measure correctly or I couldn’t finish before they came home? What if I broke something while putting it together? I don’t think the ex would’ve be too happy if I destroyed his new house. And Talea would have been devastated if she came home to a scrap yard in the middle of her bedroom. But I’m happy to report it worked and there’s even extra storage underneath the window seat.
Would you believe that the storage is made from these el cheapo collapsible crates?
I added a mock front using shiplap (tongue and groove) that I cut to size, painted and screwed onto the front. Rope handles to fit with the nautical theme in Talea’s bedroom were screwed onto the front.
I added some wheels onto the bottom for smooth sailing ;-) To give the screws something to hold onto, I used small blocks of wood inside the crates. That way I could screw the wheels through the plastic into the wooden blocks.
The storage is perfect for Talea’s HUGE collection of swimming costumes and other bits and bobs. Did I mention that my baby girl’s biggest dream is to swim for South Africa in the Olympics. The plastic crates are a great choice because if she throws a wet costume inside it won’t get all yucky and moldy.
So what did I learn making the window seat off site
1 Do your research and learn from the experts. I’ve never built a window seat before so this tutorial from Instructables really helped. A lot.
2 Measure twice or three times. Measure the height, length and depth of the space. Then measure again and just in case, measure one more time for luck. Write the measurements in a book. I wrote the measurements down on a piece of scrap paper which mysteriously disappeared in my handbag for weeks days.
3 Take lots of pictures so you have something to refer back too. The devil is in the details and it’s amazing how quickly you forget the little things. Like the skirting at the bottom of the bay window.
4 Simple is Better. I went for a basic frame built out of 2 x 4 which I screwed into the back and side walls. More 2 x 4 were used to create the front of the window seat which was covered with shiplap . The front frame was made before the time so all I needed to do was screw it onto the “wall” mounted frame bits using brackets.
5 Use the longest, meanest screws you can find to attach the frame to the wall. Talea is almost 17 and she’s the type of girl that would rather climb a tree than go to the mall. I didn’t want the whole thing collapsing in heap just because she dive bombed her window seat from her bed.
6 Take everything with you. If you’re using a battery operated drill, make sure it’s charged and take a spare battery with. My battery ran out as I was trying to screw the second last of those longest, meanest screws in. My shoulder is still not talking to me. In fact, take everything with you. Everything, even if you don’t think you’ll need it, take it with. Okay you can leave the kitchen sink at home, but take everything else. There’s just no time to drive around looking for something you forgot.
7 A bread knife and a ruler are all you need to make a custom sized mattress for the window seat. Just use the ruler as a guide and cut the foam. You can buy foam at most haberdasheries but they charge extra if you want a specific size. A lot extra!! We ended up buying three standard size bits of foam and cutting them to fit the space.
8 And finally, believe in yourself because love really does conquer all and there’s nothing that a hammer and a chain saw can’t fix. Oh and a few pretty pillows and a cuddly toy or two.
The window seat doubles up as a single bed, so Talea can invite friends for a sleep over. I’m not the greatest when it comes to layering pillows but I have friends that know these things and this king bed pillow arrangement style guide helped a lot.
Don’t you just love that retro clock and tray?
By keeping it simple, I had enough time to hang two of Talea’s ballet portraits on either side of the bay window and add sheer curtains to soften things up a little. I even vacuumed up all the dust and packed everything back in the car in my allocated 4 hours.
The only thing I didn’t do was iron her new throw and curtains :D She’s super happy with her window seat and it makes me smile every time I see one of her selfies on Facebook and she’s sitting on her window seat. Now all I need to do is make my baby girl a mermaid throne to celebrate how special she is.
Little girls with #dreams, become women with #vision
Have you ever built and installed a window seat under pressure? I’d love to hear what you learnt in the process.
And as always wishing you a super happy, love filled week.

P.S. If you’re looking for a few more gorgeous bedroom ideas, I found these lovelies on Amazon. Disclosure: Clicking on the links below, means we may receive a commission from Amazon. But don’t worry it won’t come out of your pocket, and it helps us come up with more amazing ideas to share with you ;-)
you say in your post that you used 2×4’s… looking at the pictures tho? I see 2×2 (ish) and some 2×3’s maybe? Are you using 2×4 as we do in USA? as in 2in x 4 in?
Yes, it’s 2″ x 4″ (inches) and it’s not very clear in the pictures, but the frame on the inside edge facing towards her room (behind the tongue and groove boards) is made using the 2″ x 4″. I wanted that side to be really stable since it needed to carry the weight of the day bed. The other side was screwed onto the wall and I knew that wouldn’t collapse in a hurry ?
It’s beautiful, would love to see how the finished product look without the bedding on it. To see more of the details.
I’ll try and find more pics Misty and add them. I took a whole bunch, although towards the end I was in such a rush to get it all done and looking pretty that I don’t know if I took any just before the bedding went on.
I am gobblesmacked that your ex bought a new house and asked you to do a DIY project there while he was away! AND YOU DID IT. And you’re happy and excited about it! You don’t have any windows in your home? I don’t care how much you love your daughter. Have some self respect.
Hey there, I think I understand where you’re coming from and respect your opinion Even though the ex hubby and I didn’t work so well as a married couple that will never get in the way of us being a mother and father to our two beautiful children. We will both move heaven and earth to make sure they grow up in an environment that’s happy and where they can always feel confident that their mom and dad are a team when it comes to their best interests.
Love this answer. Too bad more parents aren’t this mature. Kids should always come first.
So true. It’s not always easy but they are the most important thing
and isn’t it GOBBsmacked (not gobblesmacked?) either way… Now-a-days it’s not uncommon to remain friendly with your ex – I live NEXT DOOR to mine and his new wife! ha ! I like HER more than HIM too!
LOL Susan, I agree
Self respect does not preclude courtesy nor does it stand in the way of helping one’s child adjust to new surroundings and a new situation with an absent family member. She also provided an excellent model of coping skills and tolerance for her daughter. I would say self respect in this case was displayed admirably and in abundance. If more divorced couples behaved like this one there would likely be fewer maladjusted children in the world. My hat is off to this mother. And I applaud her.
Bless you Pam, you just made my day, no wait my whole month with your comment. Thank you so much. Nothing should ever stand in the way of our kids happiness. It’s not their fault that things didn’t work out. Thank you so very much ?
You are super creative. I really like how the window seat turned out and the drawers are so cute. This would be perfect for my daughter’s room.
Thanks so much Candy. Every little girl needs a window seat to build her dreams on
Wow! That is really awesome and impressive that you did it all in a morning. I really adore this one, and the storage space underneath. That’s very clever
? Thank you Elizabeth. I’m really happy I managed to finish it in time
That’s so lovely decor , you ‘re so creative !!
You did an amazing job …well done :)
? Thank you Nausheen
I never could make this window seat under so much pressure! You truly are very talented, I would jump with joy if I was Talea! I would still love to make something like this tho, as I love reading so much and it looks like a very comfortable place to relax in. I hope I could get my friends to help!
Ahhhh Marnie, thank you. If we stayed closer I’d come help you make one and maybe borrow a few of your books too ?
I am hoping your son is now well settled in Canada and this past year things have returned back to the rhythm. I can imagine how challenging it must be for so many changes coming someone’s way in one go … Great idea about that window seat. You continue to impress me with your skills and imagination. So inspiring as a woman.
? Thank you Tanvi, he has yes and he’s done so incredibly well too. I’m soooooooo proud of him, he passed all his subjects including Japanese, which just blew my mind. ?
Wow* what an interesting read!
I love the beautiful pictures and I’m thinking of getting my own window seat!
Michelle are you from south Africa?
Hey there Precious, thanks so much for your lovely comment and yes we stay in South Africa ?
You are so clever and handy! I never could have built a window seat like this, much less in a short time with a tight deadline. It turned out great! I love the rolling storage bins that you “glammed” up.
Thanks so much Carol, it was a bit nerve wracking but I’m glad it all worked out in the end
Hi Michelle, wow your son is in Vancouver? Well that is just a 3 hour drive from where we live in Wa State. Actually my niece just started there in September as well. Her first year there. But I know it’s a huge school, and such an incredibly beautiful city. Will you come visit him? By the way I hope your daughter is doing good with all the adjustments and her window seat is awesome!!!
Thank you Christine. Yes my big baby is in Vancouver, it just seems so far away. His dad is going to visit him in March for a week, so that’s good, but we can’t afford to go sadly. He is coming back to South Africa for their Spring break and I can’t wait to see him again, neither can his little sister. What’s your niece studying?
Hi Michelle, I meant to tell you that I do not get your replies when you reply to my comments here. In other words I actually came back to this post the other day to see if you replied. Just in case you did not know that. Soooo, to answer your question, my niece is doing Art/Economics. She lives on campus in a building called Orchard Commons. Her name is Maddie Pust. She already has one friend from Africa she tells me (female). Vancouver is such a gorgeous city. we were just there in the summer. But yes it is a far away from Africa and very expansive city! I hope your son is loving it there and how wonderful he gets to have this experience! Would love to see what Africa is like! oh well, in another life…lol
Thanks so much, I’m so glad to hear that. I need to find out what building Calin is in but it looks like he is having the time of his life and he’s studying hard to, which is great. If ever you get a chance to come to South Africa, let me know. It would be wonderful to meet up Christine.
I think it’s more likely you will come to Vancouver than us coming to South Africa…..LOL…..being a German native we travel to Germany in the summer time and spend a month over in Europe. My Dad has a house in Spain so we always fly there for about a week as well. So we never have any extra time off (or MULAHHHHH) to travel to other far away countries…sniff…..But I sure would love to see it one day. I hear it’s gorgeous although very dangerous as well. Is that true? Hugssss…..
I hear you Christine, mulahhh is always a problem ;-) South Africa is gorgeous but you’re right we do have a problem with crime unfortunately. Hope you have a lovely week
I grew up in British Columbia and have been to UBC. Its a very good university. I am sure he is going to love his time there. He will be right on the Pacific Ocean with the most beautiful forests nearby. Vancouver is said to be one of the best cities in the world. He will have the experience of a lifetime. You are right though Michelle it is a very long way from home. Let me know how he does.
Oh I’m so glad to hear that Leanna, I’ll let you know how he does. He says he loves it and he’s met so many interesting people too.
Amazing. Both the way you made this and how well you are negotiating with your ex-hubby to make changes more comfortable for your daughter and son. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know from personal experience divorce and healing are a challenge.
Thank you so much Nancy. Divorce is an awful thing for everyone, especially for the kids. Fortunately the ex and I both agree that Calin and Talea always will be more important than anything else. It’s not always easy though.
Wow! Michelle this is incredible! I am so in love in window seats and this is exactly what I would love to have in one of the bedrooms! You’ve done an incredible job – but I just said that, didn’t I? You should be proud! I am sure your daughter absolutely adores it!
Thank you so much Maya, I’m so glad you like it and I think Talea is very happy
Get out of town! No, seriously, get out of town and move next to me :) I’d love a window seat and I’d give you all the time you need to make it for me ;) You’re amazing!
LOL Jas, you’ve got a deal :D As long as you’re cooking up some of those amazing dishes. No wait on second thoughts I probably wouldn’t get anything done, so maybe we can share the feast afterwards?
Wow! This turned out beautifully! I know she’s enjoying it.
Thank you so much Zenda, I think she is :D
Great tutorial Michelle and the window seat turned out gorgeous! In love with the old mint clock!
Thanks you so much Christina, that clock is awesome
This is awesome Michelle! Just like so many others, I want one! Awesome job and the fact that you finished it in your 4 hour time slot is insane ;)
Thank you so much Angie, I’m soooo glad I got it done in time
So lovely, I have always wanted a window seat. My husband and I almost made a fake window seat this year, but didn’t.
Thank you Kellie. I’ll let you into a secret, I’ve always wanted one too, so very much ;-)
Michelle, this is absolutely gorgeous. I would love a window seat for my daughter’s room, we’d planned one for years but never got around to it. She is going to be 17 this week too. I love all the storage and the pretty accessories. You are the best mom ever! And I’m sure that this adds value to the ex’s house, so I bet everyone is happy! Great job.
Thank you so very much Nikki. 17 is such a beautiful age, you can actually see hints of the gorgeous women they will be. Wish Georgia a very happy birthday for this week please.
Hello Michelle, how can you complete this big task in four hours, unbelievable? Window seat looks lovely, I thought you made a small size, but you mentioned that it can serve the purpose of bed as well. The storage space you have given with crates is a super idea. Your daughter must be very happy.
Namaste Sadhna and dhanyavaad for your lovely comment. Talea is really happy with her window seat, which makes me super happy
Michelle, that is so sweet and awesome that you made your daughter this window seat! You did a marvelous job. I never would have guessed the drawers were plastic with a wood front, very clever. You gave great advice on how to make a window seat or any project in a small amount of time. Everything looks so beautiful!! Love that retro clock and tray!
Thank you so much my friend, I’m really happy with how the drawers turned out
Oh it’s adorable Michelle, really beautiful. What a couple of weeks you have had, hope you get some chill out time soon x
Thanks so much Sarah, we’ll probably take some time out when my son comes over for his Spring break. I’m counting the days ;-)
Wow Michelle, I am super impressed. If it was me I would still be there trying to figure out which screw belongs where. It looks great and the curtains and pillows make it so sweet and cozy. I’m sure Talea loves it. I also really love the storage underneath. Very smart to make it breathable and it looks great too.
LOL Mary :D knowing you, you would have done an amazing job and added lots of hanging things too
You are not only creative but also funny. I had to laugh when I read about your shoulder and the kitchen sink lol. Apart from that, that day bed is a kid’s dream. Using plastic crates is smart, those pictures of Talea are super sweet and the curtains make that area look like a dream. Good job, I’ve never build a window seat although I always wanted to have one. Keeping the tips for the day I try
Thank you so much Pili. I love window seats, they always look so dreamy. I always have these visions in my head of curling up with a good book and a cuddly fur baby. The perfect place to dream a little. I hope you get to make one soon ;-)
I just can’t get over the fact that you pulled this off in 4 hours! How did you do that! You’re genius! Your daughter must love this sooo much and you won the handiest and sweetest mom award of the year! And not to mention the crates underneath! Brilliant! I always wanted a window seat, so cozy!
I honestly didn’t think I could do it Katrin but I’m so glad it worked out.