My baby girl is done with school and soon she’ll be joining her brother in a land far, far away to study veterinary science. My heart’s really sad but I’m one proud Mommy too. When her brother left to study Psychology I made him a Lord of the Rings styled journal so he could write down all those beautiful stories that are locked up inside his head. Talea needed a handmade gift too, and since she’ll be doing all kinds of medical things soon, I made her a stool sample. No, it’s not what you think ;-) It’s something that will make her smile and hopefully remind her of a wacky Mom back home who loves making fairy gardens, almost as much as she loves her kids.
See it’s cute and crazy and a fun gift idea to make for a friend or family member that’s off to medical school. Heck, it’s a great idea for someone who’s just qualified too. And it would sure put a smile on my face if I saw a stool sample like this in the Doctor’s waiting rooms :D And my daughter is a very punny kinda girl so it appeals to her off-beat sense of humor.
There are three parts to this make. The “stool sample”, teeny tiny little reading glasses and a miniature book.
What You Need For The Stool Sample
- An empty jar with a lid
- A branch that’s at least 2 cm wide (1”)
- Wire or really thin twigs (not pictured)
- This Free Stool Sample Label that I made using a pharmacy label from The Graphics Fairy
Making The Stool Sample
Start by cutting the branch into ½” slices. I had to cut quite a few before I had one that was reasonably straight. These kinds of stools aren’t meant to be wobbly ;-)
I would have loved to use small twigs for the legs but couldn’t find any that were really thin and strong enough so I used wire instead.
Since this stool sample would have three legs, I needed to make sure that they were evenly spaced and my protractor was way too big to fit on that tiny little stool. As a workaround, I drew a large circle on a piece of paper and marked the 120, 240 and 360-degree points. By positioning the circle over the branch slice I could figure out where the legs needed to go.
Using the smallest drill bit we have, I carefully drilled three holes making sure not to drill all the way through the slice.

The wire legs were glued in places and left to dry.
Okay, time to make those glasses.
How to Make Miniature Glasses
Talea started wearing glasses when she was about 10, and she’s just got herself a new pair with the coolest black frame. So I really wanted to try and make a miniature pair that were similar to her real ones. Miniature glasses are pretty easy to do. All you need is a paper punch, clear plastic (an empty plastic soda bottle is perfect), some wire and super glue. Make sure that the bottom bit of the punch that collects all the holes is empty before punching two holes in the clear plastic.
Cut a tiny piece off the top of each circle and place them next to each other. Take the piece of wire and bend it into a U shape. The bottom of the U needs to be as wide as the two glasses.
Apply a small amount of super glue to the bottom of the “U” bit and stick it down onto the glasses. Once it’s dry bend the earpieces and snip off any excess wire.
Easy right? The glasses are not even 1/2″ big small (about 1 cm) so keep them somewhere safe until you’re ready to put everything together. I learnt that the hard way. They’re so tiny and get lost really quickly. I ended up having to make a second pair coz the first one disappeared. I have this sneaky suspicion that one of our fur babies may have eaten it.
Fur babies are angels full of poop ;-)
How to Make a Miniature Book
Miniature books are even easier to make than glasses. All you need is a small piece of balsa wood, glue, and a book cover. You can download a whole bunch of different sized ones here for free. Fold the miniature book cover and cut the balsa wood to fit inside. Glue the cover onto the balsa wood and you’re done.
Putting the Stool Sample Together
Time to put everything together. Glue the glasses onto the book and then glue the book on to the stool. Tie the stool sample label on to a piece of string or twine and wrap it around the neck of the jar.
The empty jar had a rounded bottom so I popped a piece of furry material inside to level it out, before carefully placing the stool, book and reading glasses inside.
Don’t you think it’s a cute way to inject a little humor into what’s going to be a few really challenging years of study? In my books, anyone who decides to traverse the gauntlet of medical school deserves a medal.
Shout out to all the veterinarians. Real doctors treat more than one species.
I would love to know what you think of the gift idea. Is it something you would make for a medical student?
Let me know in the comments or pin it for later.
We also have a tutorial to make a life-sized version of the wooden stool if that’s more your style.
And if you have any tips on how to cope when both your kids are living on the other side of the planet, please share those too. I’m going to need all the advice I can get. Oh before I forget. If you’d prefer to buy rather than DIY, we’ve got you covered Disclosure: Clicking on the links below, means we may receive a commission from Amazon. But don’t worry it won’t come out of your pocket, and it helps us come up with more amazing craft ideas to share with you ;-)
Until next time, hope you have a beautiful, love filled week.
I am a new subscriber & I have been looking through your miniatures & I love everything so far. This one is so funny. It is perfect for a doctor or even a veterinarian. I just realized I have been looking at your website for 2 hours now. Thank you for so much enjoyment in a crazy world right now. It was nice to relaxe for a couple hours.
Yay ❣❣❣ Thank you for that, Penny. I hope we can spoil you with many more fairy creations and ideas and if you’d like to see something specific we’re always up for a challenge.
love your sense of humor. Cute!
:D Thanks Linda
This made me laugh out loud! Love a gift that provides a good chuckle!
:D So happy to hear that Libbie. I’m hoping that it makes my daughter chuckle too.
This is just the cutest project, I love the honour and the attention to detail. And the folder is stunning too.
Thank you, my friend. It was fun to make too and worth seeing the smile on Talea’s face.
Michelle, this truly adorable. Imagine how much fun she will telling them about her sweet, talented mom, when her new friends see it.
:-) Thank you, Deana, if I can put a smile on my daughter’s face from far, far away then I’m happy.
Bwahahaha! The nurses and pharmacist in my family will LOVE these as a gag gift. What a fun and creative idea, Michelle! Best humor ever.
:D We actually made a few more for the nurses at my Mom’s old age home to say thank you for everything they do for her, and they loved them.
Just when i thought I couldn’t like you blog more than I already do, you go and make this amazing gift. Your daughter will absolutely love it. Thank you for sharing it with us.
You’re welcome Brooke, glad you enjoyed it.
Yes, indeed, I did a double-take seeing your blog title, but it makes sense once I read your post. Precious way to bring a bit of home and warmth with them while in school.
Congrats on your children’s accomplishments.
Thanks so much, Cat. They’re both such amazing young people ❣
You must be so proud, they must be so gifted that field is pretty tough ! Nice to have a future vet in the family.
I agree, Maria. One day our fur babies will have their own doctor on call
Bwahahhhahahahah! Best gift ever for a punny girl, like me; Talea must have loved this! Will she remain in Canada when she’s finished school?
:D I suspect Talea and her brother will both make Canada their new forever home. They’ve made so many special friends and Talea’s finally gotten a fur baby to keep her company too, so her world is complete.
I laughed out loud when I saw this….so cute…and really clever. I am also interested in all things little …I made a chair out of the metal tab off a champagne bottle. So cute…my daughter thought I was nuts..then she wanted one. Anyway, congrats on your kids..I know how much you will miss’s hard to be a mom, sometimes. Great job. Loved it .L.Caristo
Thank you, Caristo. I do miss the kids like crazy, but they’re so happy on the other side of the world which is all that matters. And your little “champagne” chair sounds adorable. I think I may have seen a tutorial on Pinterest a while back. It would make such a cute addition to our fairy gardens.
This is adorable and hilarious! As always, your attention to details astounds me. Those teeny, tiny glasses are amazing. It is so creative, I’m sure your daughter will love it. Veterinary science – impressive! Good luck to her!
Thanks so much Amy. For as long as I can remember Talea wanted to study something that involved animals and she’s got such a loving, caring heart. I’m sure she’ll do really well
Your stool sample is sooo cute! I’m sure this will bring a smile everytime your baby looks at it and she will thing of her wacky mama back at home. Sorry I can’t give you any pointers. Mine still live in Texas but Texas is a big state so their not close by where I can see them when I want, but closer than yours are. It’s gotten a little easier over the years but I still worry about them and I’m sure I alway will. Their my baby girls. :)
I know that feeling and for the first time I really understand how my Mom must have felt when my sister and I left home. Aaaai it’s not easy being a parent, but the rewards are so worth it.
Man, I usually giggle reading your posts, but this one made me tear up. I’m a sentimental soul, what can I say. It must be just so hard that they are so far away but you must be one proud momma. I’m sure your kids will cherish those special gifts for years to come and I can see them having a special place in their offices one day that will make a great story to tell. :) Hugs and love!
Ahhhhhh my friend ? if only I could find a way to bottle my kids up so I can hold them close forever but that wouldn’t be fair to them. And they deserve to make their mark in this world even if it’s in a country so very far away.
True that! We must set them free. ❤
I adore this and the title also.
Thanks so much Debra
lol I thought I read the title wrong too. Super cute and what a fun idea. Your creative genius always leaves me jaw-dropped!
I did think hard about the title, but it’s a stool :D What can I say. Thanks so much Carolann
Michelle this is wonderful lol. When I first saw the title I was like oh is this a cultural thing that reads wrong here? Nope, just a wicked funny Mom.
From a Mom of older kids, try and think of them as just away, really if they aren’t home, they aren’t home whether they are a province away or an ocean away. Hugs I know its got to be hard.
? LOL Leanna, us South African do sometimes say the weirdest things ?
? WRT Talea moving, I think my biggest stress is that she’ll be more than a days travel away and I won’t be able to get to her, or her brother, fast enough if they need me. But Canada is a beautiful country full of so many possibilities and far safer than here and there are truly amazing people like you and Marie there ?
Hilarious, adorable and oh so clever! What a great gift to give her for a little chuckle when she’s missing home. Did I hear both your kids will be in Canada? You know they are safe and in good hands over here. Where in Canada?
? Thanks so much Marie and yes they’ll both be your side of the world. Calin is studying in Vancouver and Talea will be in Montreal. So I suppose on either side of your world ?
Love the miniature stool, book and glasses, so cute!! Hilarious “stool” btw :D
You’re such a sweet melancholy mom, Michelle, I can’t give you any advice because I’m the one who maybe will need your advice on years to come lol!
? Thank you Mel, and you shout anytime. Hopefully by the time your little one is all grown up I’ll have some real advice to give
Super cute and totally adorable. Love the humor behind your gift
? Glad you liked it Melanie. Thanks so much
that is actually really adorable and i love those glasses you made. silly me when i saw “stool sample” i thought something totally different lol. ;)
? Thanks so much Joy
This is so sweet and funny, I just love the tinny glasses.
? Hello beautiful. Hope you’re having fun with your glue gun.
That’s so cute. Love the attention to detail?Well done
Thanks so much Becca ?
Oh Michelle I love all of your craft ideas but this one has to be the cutest of all, When I saw that book and the tiny glasses my heart melted. I know it will be so hard for you now that Talea will be going to a new school. But time has a way of flying by and she will be back in no time at all. And there are always the holidays. She will have this precious gift to remind her of her sweet mom who makes these heartfelt little masterpieces! <3
??? That’s so true my friend. Time does have a way of flying by. It seems like just the other day that she was going to school for the first time, all knees and elbows and long pigtails and now she off on a new adventure. ?
Hahahahahaaahha this is the best medical gift ever. I love it!!!! ???? My husband is a Doctor and I can’t wait to show him the stool sample LOL.You just made my day
? ? I’m really happy to hear that Christy. Hope your hubby enjoys it as much as you do
This is so funny, I’m sure your baby is going to have a smile on her face everytime she looks at it! I can’t believe you DIY-ed every little detail, you’re amazing. I can only imagine how hard it must be to let them go off into the big world, but Canada is a great country to live in, I think we will go back in the future!
? Thanks so much Katrin and yes Canada does sound like an amazing place to live. My son is so happy there. He loves the weather and the people and just everything about it. I’m sure Talea is going to as well. It’s. Just. So. Darn. Far. Away ?