Hands up, who doesn’t love farmhouse-style printables, especially if they’re free? Like these charming oversized vintage tags.

Aren’t they cool? I’ve been trying to clean out makeover our laundry room. It’s probably my least favorite spot in our house. I’m pretty sure those piles of clothes are making babies while we sleep. Most of the time, I need a GPS to navigate my way around. Please tell me if it happens in your home too.

I’m hoping that if I add some wall art and rearrange the space, it might do the trick. Kinda like putting up navigational signs so I can find my way again or something like that ;-) Anyways creating wall art for the laundry room is way more fun than actually doing the laundry, amairight?!!

Okay, before I show you how to make these tags and share the free printables, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram. And don’t forget to subscribe so you’ll never miss a crafty tutorial or DIY post!
What You Need To Make Oversized Vintage Tags
- 10 cm (4″) wide Balsa wood
- Craft knife
- Twine
- Mod Podge and paintbrush
- Printer
- Oversized laundry and postcard tags (free to download here), or you can design your own using some of the gorgeous graphics from The Graphics Fairy.
Print and cut the tags out before applying a few layers of Mod Podge to seal them. Trace around the edges of the tags to create a template on the balsa wood. Carefully cut out the template using a really sharp craft knife. That’s the wonderful thing about balsa wood. You don’t need any fancy tools or that woodpecker on steroids to cut it :D
Once the balsa wood templates have been cut, apply a layer of Mod Podge and glue the oversized tags down.
Hanging the Oversized Vintage Tags
Use a skewer or sharp stick thingy to make a hole at the top of the vintage tags and thread a piece of twine through.
Knot the tags together and hang them up. Easy peasy!

I hung the tags next to our huge clothespin patent art. It measures 24 cm by 59 cm (9.5″ x 23 1/8″), and you can download that one too.

Since it’s quite big, you’ll need to print it at a print shop that offers custom-sized prints unless you have one of those huge printers at home. Here in South Africa, I usually go to PostNet, or you can have it done online at the Amazon Print Shop. Note to self…… you need to make another recycled tin can washboard to go with the oversized vintage tags.

BTW that photo is totally staged. There’s just no way I’m going into the laundry room right now. The clothes are making babies, so it would be rude to interrupt them ;-)

What do you think of the oversized vintage tags? Is it something you’d put in your laundry room?
If you like the idea, don’t forget to share it with your friends and/or save it to Pinterest.

Oh, and just in case you want to make your own I’ve saved you the hassle of trying to find some of the materials. Disclosure: If you click on the links below, we may receive a commission from Amazon. But don’t worry it won’t come out of your pocket, and it helps us cover our printing costs, or maybe I can pay someone to do the laundry for me :-)
And as always wishing you a lovely, creative and blessed week.
I just found this DIY and I can’t wait to give it a try! I have been looking for a way to spruce up my laundry area. Hope you are well!
Hello Christina, so lovely to hear from you again. Those tags and the peg piccy are still hanging in our laundry room after all these years so it’s another win for a quick DIY. Have fun making over yours.
Cant seem to download the large clothspin image – please can you send it too me
Oh dear, I’m so sorry to hear that. I’ve sent you both the laundry tags and large peg printable. Please let me know if they don’t arrive in your inbox. I’ve also fixed the link, so you shouldn’t get the error anymore.
I’m not able to download the large clothspin either??
I check both links and they work. The vintage tags will open up a new window and there should be a download button on the top right-hand side of your screen. The large peg will download automatically to your download folder. Please let me know if you don’t come right, Robyn, and I’ll send them bot to you in an email.
The lovely large clothespin art link does not work for me.
I’m so sorry to hear that, Karen. Here’s the direct link to the large peg printable – https://acraftymix.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Large-Peg-Printable-2.zip.
If it still doesn’t work, please give me a shout, and I’ll put it in an email for you.
Love this! Found you via Graphics Fairy feature! laura from colorado
Ahhh Laura, thank you for popping in for a visit. Isn’t the Graphics Fairy just the best. She always shares so many lovely projects and freebies
Michelle, these laundry tags are fantastic, and look great beside the clothespin wall art! That’s too funny about the clothes making babies. I totally understand about the never ending pile of laundry, seriously where does it all come from?! Lol.
Right!!!? Those piles of laundry just grow and grow ?
Wow, Michelle!!!!!!!!!!! They are absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!!! Kisses, my friend.
Thank you so much my friend xoxox
I love your wooden tags. I love anything that has a nostalgic feeling to it, and the prints are so damn beautiful!
Thank you so much Fiona ?
These are super cute Michelle! Can be used in both shabby chic or farmhouse decorating styles! And they make for amazing gifts too! Thank you for this wonderful project!
I’m so glad you like them Maya, thank you ?
Michelle, I was just about to inquire about what a craft knife is. Looks like I need one of those sets. I have a box cutter I use, but it’s a dull as dirty dishwater. By the way, my laundry makes babies too. Ha. What a cute way of putting it. I certainly don’t enjoy doing laundry, that’s for sure. So I definitely need some of those cute tags you showed us how to make. I love them!
? I’m so relieved. I was beginning to think that it only happened in our house ? I’m glad you like the printable Florence, thanks so much
Thank you for sharing. Absolutely love the idea. Going to make some for my laundry room.?
It’s a huge pleasure Brenda. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment.
Wow! These are so cute Michelle. You are so creative. You really impressed me. I really like it in our laundry area.
Glad you like them Angela, thanks so much ?
The wooden tags are super cute, but especially like the clothespin print…the frame, too! Wish my laundry room wasn’t in my unfinished basement…
Thanks so much Janet. The frame was just made using a few scrap pieces of pallets so I’m real glad you like it.
These are great!!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by and for taking the time to comment on my post about renting or Buying as one ages. I know we will not buy again so the question will be how can we stay in this house with physical disabilities or do we move……I will be doing more posts on this in the future!
Thanks too for all your visits!!!
I look forward to those posts Debbie. It’s something that the hubby and I have been chatting about too. The kids are “almost” all out of the house so having a double story home sometime gets to much.I’m not sure we’ll able to find a rental space that allows 4 fur babies and 4 purr babies so that’s what’s keeping us here for a bit longer. I’m sure whatever you decide to do will be the best for you both. I am going to miss your garden terribly if you move though
These prints are amazing!
I tell you YES Michelle, laundry is a mess at home too, and laundry room (although it’s generous to call it that, it’s mostly a laundry “spot” in our tiny apartment) is my least favourite place. And it really needs a makeover!!
I’m so glad to hear I’m not the only one that feels that way Nati. I wish someone would invent self cleaning clothes, I’ll be their top client ?
These are gorgeous, Michelle. I love adding vintage touch to my rooms here and there, these look perfect for my work room and my living room. I would have never thought of this idea myself, printing them right now, thank you for inspiring me everytime :)
Always a pleasure Preet. Thank you for all the support
These are so artsy! I love how they look and the vibes they give off!You’ve given such clear instructions.I’ll let you know if I try making them!
Please do Mika. This one is super easy ?
Wow! What a unique craft to do that will come out with great results. I love these tags. So cute. I definitely want to try this. Great for spring time fun on a rainy day like today.
Oh that would be perfect to make on a rainy day ?
You are really very creative, these tags look really lovely and are such a great idea! They would be lovely gifts tags I think!
Thanks so much Elizabeth
I love this idea gorgeous! I have some wood left over and it would be great to make some!
I’m really glad you like it Maria, thank you
This is so cute! This might make your clothes want to keep creating babies though since your laundry room will be all fancy. BTW, “woodpecker on steroids” made me laugh!
? Thanks Sam but those clothes must stop making babies already ?
These tags look so vintage chic. Would add such a unique decor element to any space. Loved your idea. As always :)
? Thanks so very much Tanvi
These are gorgeous, Michelle and they look really authentic, I think. These would make amazing additions when giving gifts – can you imagine a vintage Christmas set? You are constantly out doing yourself, awesome lady!
Ah now you’ve given me an idea, thanks so much Ithi ?
Be right back — printing off all of these! They’re so adorable and would compliment the rooms in my home so nicely!
LOL Emily, that was a quick print ? Thanks so much
These are beautiful, I hadn’t heard about Amazon print, I will check it out and pin the link. I love how antique they all look. Pinning
Amazon print is really cool and they have so many different options too and soooo convenient
Thanks for sharing this. I absolutely loved it. Was looking for some inspiration to create something for my laundry room too. This is just so awesome.
It’s a pleasure Sonal. I’m glad you liked them
Nice idea. I like it. Simple oldscholl, beautiful. :-D
? awesome, so glad you like it
I loved Julia’s comment. With such a pretty laundry room you certainly don’t want to disturb it. Those printables are so pretty. I have to find some for coffee. Maybe I can use one of yours or go over to the Graphics Fairy.
? Go to Graphic Fairy Mary. She has tons of beautiful images that you can use. Be warned though, you’ll get lost in all the possibilities
Ah these are so gorgeous Michelle! I don’t even have a laundry room, I do laundry in the kitchen… embarrassing. but true. Anyways, they’d look so cute hanging above the washer!
Thanks so much Katrin. We’re very lucky to have a separate laundry area but I know with a lot of the newer homes the laundry is part of the kitchen too. It makes sense since it’s easy to connect every thing up.
Is that why the laundry job is never ending Michelle? Because the clothes are in there making babies. LOL
I love your wooden tags, and that super size clothes pin print.
Yup, I’m convinced that’s what’s happening. Even the socks that normally go MIA have stuck around to make teeny tiny little socks ?
Where do you find the clothespin print? Love this display!
It’s free to download on the blog post, but in case you missed it, here’s the link https://acraftymix.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Large-Peg-Printable.zip ?
The tags are so charming. It is a great idea. I can think of so many uses for these.
Glad you like them Debra, thank you
It could happen that your clothes feel even more comfortable in your gorgeous laundry room now and spend even more time making babies. Just sayin’. ;) I love your wooden tags and the clothes pin print is awesome too, Michelle. Thank you so much for sharing! Now I need a laundry room, sigh.
Oops, oh dear that’s not good. Looks like I’ll have to hang them somewhere else ?