I’m a sucker for a swop shop, hospice and negosie winkel (a negosie winkel is a general store where you can find anything under the sun for an absolute bargain)I found these gorgeous shoes at our local hospice in Centurion for R50 and they make the perfect Cinderella bookends. All I needed to do was add some bling from the local China mall down the road and voila, bookends straight out of a fairy tale.

Fairy tale bookends

Fairy tale bookends

P.S I didn’t even have to clean the shoes, I don’t think they’v ever been worn.

P.P.S The bling added that extra sparkle and made the shoes heavy enough to stay put.

P.P.P.S The books also came from the Centurion Hospice. This little shop is open to the public every Friday from 08:00 to 16:00 and Saturday from 08:00 to 12:00. You can buy kitchenware, books, clothes and furniture donated by the public and all funds raised are used for the operation of the Centurion Hospice and to care for terminally ill patients.

A Crafty Mix