It’s the last Monday of the month, which means it’s time for the Intl’ Bloggers Club, where 5 friends from across the world get together to share a little something about themselves. This month my friends in the Northern Hemisphere are celebrating the first signs of Spring. Down here in the South, the days are getting shorter and the trees are starting to don their Autumn colors. To prepare for the cold months and celebrate the changes Mother Nature is going through, we decided to make ourselves some hygge candle holders inspired by nature and all those special, cozy moments we’ll be experiencing soon.

Create intimacy and coziness from everyday moments with these nature inspired hygge candle holders

Simple rustic Hygge candle holders

What Exactly is Hygge?

The Danish word hygge (pronounced who-guh) means to live in the moment and really appreciate, deep down inside it’s specialness. It’s that feeling of perfect contentment and that all is right with the world. It doesn’t matter if it’s cuddling with your favorite purr baby, watching your kids laugh from their bellies, dancing in the rain or simply lighting a candle. Hygge is all about being fully aware and grateful for the simple, beautiful things in life.

The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them. Click to Tweet

I really wanted to incorporate all of those feelings in the hygge candle holders so I chose to use:

  • Some beautiful dried out branches to remind me of all that nature has to offer, no matter the season.
  • Bits of an old broken jaffle maker that brings back many happy memories of making toasties on the braai with friends and family.
  • Rusty bits from an old lantern that’s been outside forever. I have a deep fascination with rust. It makes me realize that Mother Nature will always have her way and that no matter how rusty something gets, it’s still beautiful. Even an old bag like me 😉
Create intimacy and coziness from everyday moments with these nature inspired hygge candle holders

Nature’s inspiration

Making The Hygge Candles

The hygge candle holders were pretty easy to make. Cut the branches to whatever height you’re like the candle holders to be. As long as the top and bottom of the branch is level or flat, you’re good. The jaffle bits we had were silver and didn’t quite match the rustic look so we painted them a rusty color to tone them down a little. I’m guessing not everyone has an old jaffle maker lying around, but mason jar lids or even a plate will work too.

Create intimacy and coziness from everyday moments with these nature inspired hygge candle holders

Getting the color right

While we waited for the paint to dry, we dismantled the old lantern and found some thick, chunky, solid pieces of wood that would be perfect as a base for the candle holders. We glued, screwed and tied the rusty bits onto the base to add interest.

Create intimacy and coziness from everyday moments with these nature inspired hygge candle holders

To attached the branch to the base we simply drilled a hole in the center of the branch at the bottom and another hole in the chunky wood bits and used a skewer and glue to join the two together.

Create intimacy and coziness from everyday moments with these nature inspired hygge candle holders

Skewers or wooden dowels to join the branch and base

All that’s left to do was to attach the sprayed jaffle bits to the top of the branch using gorilla glue and a nail.

Create intimacy and coziness from everyday moments with these nature inspired hygge candle holders

Gluing on the jaffle bits

Once the glue dries, the hygge candle holders are ready to be used. Just add some candles, get cozy and remember all the little things that make life so special.

Create intimacy and coziness from everyday moments with these nature inspired hygge candle holders

I love a little bit of rust

Thinking back, there have been many hygge moments for me. Holding my kids for the first time and knowing that the love I feel for them goes beyond anything I had ever known before. Every time my hubby gives me one of those deep, all enveloping hugs. You know, the ones that make you feel like you will always be safe. When the fur babies look at me and I feel so grateful that they see me as one of their pack. Finding friends who say “we believe in you and would love to make you part of our tribe”.

A single candle can illuminate and entire room, but a true friend lights up an entire lifetime. Click to Tweet

Thank you Katrin, Keri, Mary and Pili. Connecting with someone you’ve always admired and finding out that they are more beautiful and real than you ever imagined is a hygge moment. Someone else who made me smile deep inside my soul was Steve McCurry. You know the guy who took one of the most iconic photos ever, the Afghan Girl. I painted this miniature in the background a while ago based on one of his brilliant photos.

Create intimacy and coziness from everyday moments with these nature inspired hygge candle holders

Jalalabad, Afganistan

Whenever I use someone’s photos to paint something, I always ask permission first. Most of the time the photographer doesn’t even acknowledge you, especially if they’re as famous as what Steve is. But this exceptional man actually sent me an email and gave me permission to paint his photo. It’s one of my favorite painting ever, and it’s special because he connected with a wanna be artist and acknowledged me. I actually saved all his emails too, just so I can go back to that moment 😉

When one of your heroes connects with you, that’s #hygge, that feeling, that moment. Click to Tweet

Have you had any hygge moments recently? I’d love to hear about them.

And if you like the idea and want to make your own, don’t forget to pin for later.
Create intimacy and coziness from everyday moments with these nature inspired hygge candle holders

Pin me please!!!

If you want to learn more about hygge and how to make it part of your life, we’ve got you covered Disclosure: Clicking on the links below, means we may receive a commission from Amazon. But don’t worry it won’t come out of your pocket, and it helps us come up with more crafty ideas to share with you

Sale The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living (The Happiness Institute Series)
Sale Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life...And Maybe the World
Mindfulness for Vikings: Inspirational quotes and pictures encouraging a happy stress free life for adults and kids (A Little Moose and Wolfie Book Book 1)

Don’t forget to go have a look at all the lovely Spring crafts the other ladies from the IBC have shared down below. And as always wishing you a beautiful week filled with many special moments.


Made with love by a Crafty Mix